Flying And Quidditch.

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Amity Park. Fenton residence.

Maddy and Jack read their letter first.

Dear Mom and Dad,

How is everything back home? After a long train ride, we arrive at our destination. It's a small village called Hogsmeade, where we get off the train and travel by boat to the school.

The first night is a feast. But before we can enjoy that. We get sorted into one of four houses. My birth parents were Gryffindors, But I got sorted into Slytherin house. I wonder if my birth parents would be disappointed.

The first week of classes was great. And I love Astronomy the most. But there are no STEM classes in Hogwarts. And if im to be an astronaut, I need to be tutored in those subjects.

So, I was hoping one of you could tutor me in those classes during the summer.

I will write again soon.



Maddy smiles and says."Im glad to see that everything is good with Danny. And I can tutor him over the summer. For a couple of hours a day."

Jazz reads her letter next.

Dear Jazz.

How is everything at home? I hope you dont miss me very much. You would have loved the train ride Jazz, Miles and miles of beautiful views and forests.

The village is something out of a Grimm brother's fairytale. And the castle looks like a king used to live there. But I heard that Hogwarts was always a school.

The classes are, unfortunately, purely based on Magic. And that means I Have to find a tutor in STEM subjects. I hope Mom or Dad will tutor me. I can think of no one better than Scientists.

Say hi To Tucker and Sam for me.



Vlad says."I will read mine later." Suddenly, the doorbell rings. When Jazz opens the door, she sees Sam and Tucker. And she invites them in. Sam asks."Did you hear from Danny yet?"

Jazz gives them both their letters and says."These letters arrived for you just now." They both ask."Can you send these back to Danny?" Jazz smiles and says."I will make sure he gets them." Jazz asks. "how are you two coping without Danny?" Tucker says."It's fine. But it's not the same without him." Sam says."We have to get going. Say hi to your parents for us."

Later that night.

Vlad, Maddy, and Jack are gathered in the lab and start reading.

Dear Uncle Vlad.

How is everything back home? The watch works like a charm. I have not had a single incident. Your ruse worked. The entire wizarding world seems to believe that Im dead.

Uncle Vlad, you were not Kidding about the arrogance of some wizard families. I met this Malfoy kid who acts like he owns the world.

Anyway, It seems from the attitude in Slytherin That my parents and you made the right decision. And that I will be safer for it.

I will keep you informed.


Vlad says while giving Jack and Maddy a copy of last Saturday's Daily Prophet."On the day that Daniel returns To the wizarding world. A bank that has never had an incident Gets broken into successfully. We made the right decision with the portal."

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