Banking Problems.

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Danny Checks to see if the boy is okay and says."Out of all the people in the world. It has to be Dudley."

Dudley wakes up and says."Oh my God, your Ghostboy." Danny nods and asks."Do you remember anything?"

Dudley says. "me and my friends."Were hanging around when suddenly things changed." Danny asks."Changed how?"

Dudley continues."The air became cold, and it felt like I could never be cheerful again."

Danny asks."Did you see anyone?" Dudley shakes his head. And Danny gives Dudley a hand.

Danny asks."Do you need any help getting home?" A voice says."I will help the poor boy get home." an older woman approaches them.

Danny asks Dudley."Do you know who she is?" Dudley Says."She is Mrs Figg, our neighbor."

Danny nods and hands Dudley over to her. She slips Danny a note. And Danny flies off.

Danny flies to the location on the note. And Danny Is surprised to see both Dumbledore and James waiting for him.

Dumbledore asks."Are you alright, Daniel?" Danny nods and says."The dementors are either revolting or have joined up with Voldemort."

Dumbledore asks."How did you know where they were going to strike?" Danny replies."I did not. After our chat, I needed to clear my head. So I decided to get some air."

James says."Luckily, you did. Else, Dudley might be soulless." Danny says."I need to get into Gringotts tomorrow." Dumbledore asks."Why Gringotts?" Danny says."The fifth piece of the puzzle is there."

Danny says."Oh, one more thing. One of those items keeps moving like it's alive or something."

Dumbledore says."I will consult with Severus, mabye he has a clue." Danny nods and whispers something to James. Who says."I will take care of it."

Dumbledore raises an eyebrow, and Danny says."You dont think im Dumb enough to go in alone, do you?"

Dumbledore Asks."Are you sure you can trust this person?" Both Danny and James say."Yes. He has our absolute trust."

Dumbledore asks."What is that what that sounds like when I defend Severus?" James smirks and says."Now you know how we feel."

Danny says."Professor Look, I would not take this person with me if I had any doubt."

Dumbledore says."Very well, I will trust both your judgments." Danny asks."If this is all? I have a long day tomorrow."

Danny and James head off, And Dumbledore thinks to himself."I hope by the time the ministry opens its eyes. There is still a magical Brittain to protect."

The next Day.

Danny and James walk into Gringotts. And they explain to the teller. That control of the vault Needs to default back to James.

After filling out the papers, James decides to extract some funds for the coming school year.

After reaching their vault, James tells the goblin."We are here for a few hours. We let you know when we need to get back up."

The goblin replies."Very well." And heads off. James looks at the vault and asks."Are you sure you spend any money?" Danny replies."Per Uncle V's advice, I made some investments."

James says."Well, the man knows his stuff. I give him that much." Danny activates the beacon he brought with him.

And a few minutes later. a familiar voice says."James, Daniel, it seems the plan went off without a hitch."

Danny says."It's a good thing. You're in London for business, Uncle V." Vlad says."Are you kidding me, Little Badger? I would take any chance to stick it. To those snobby wizards. No offense, James."

James smirks and says."None taken. However, Sirius's feelings are another matter."

Danny asks."You called Sirius?" Sirius sniffs mockingly."Betrayed by my family in all but blood."

Remus slaps Sirius and says."We have a limited window focus."

Sirius says."Okay, The vaults you're looking for are still a long way down. Danny, Vlad, Listen carefully. The lower you will get, the stronger the defense you will encounter."

Remus says."The goblins are very secretive. They could very well have Anti-Ghost measures in place."

Lily says."Be careful, both of you." Danny says."Will do, Mom." Vlad asks."Are you ready, Daniel?" Danny nods and Transforms. Vlad and Danny start their descent.

As they slowly descend, Vlad says."I heard about Malfoy. While I despised the man, And he deserved to die for his crimes, how he met his end was revolting."

Danny replies."The sooner we end this, the better. Im not going to lie. I'm worried and afraid."

Vlad says."Good, it means you're not stupid. A bit of fear is a healthy thing, Daniel. It prevents you from making bad decisions."

Danny and Vlad, after several minutes of descending. Land on the lowest floor.

Danny looks around, and so does Vlad. Danny pales when he says."Holy Crud, they have an actual Dragon watching the vaults?"

Vlad says."There also seems to be a detachment of Guards here. Let's try to avoid a confrontation at all costs."

They find the Lestrange vault And enter it. They look around. And at the end of the vault atop a mountain of gold. They see what they are looking for.

Danny floats slowly to the cup. He thinks to himself."Slow and Steady." Vlad lands but seems to activate a defense mechanism by mistake. Vlad gets zapped from behind.

The blast Knocks him out of his Ghost form. And it Knocks Vlad out cold. As Vlad falls, He triggers the alarm.

Danny stabs the cup and sees all the gold and Tricket Multiplying like there is no tomorrow.

Danny asks. Uncle V?" Danny looks around. And Danny sees the vault door Being unlocked.

Meanwhile, With James.

James thinks to himself."I hate being powerless. I wish my son did not have to endanger himself like this."

James suddenly hears the alarm going off. James says."Oh no. DANNY." Remus says."Remain calm, James." Lily says."They are resourceful. You getting in trouble is the last thing they need right now."

Sirius says."They will be okay, prongs."

James says."I will hang up now In case Goblins decide to ask some questions." Lily says."Be careful, Honey, and remain calm."

With Lily, Sirius, and Remus.

Lily starts crying, and Sirius says."It will be okay, Lily." He hugs her, but at the same time, he looks at Remus, Deeply worried. Who gives a similar look back, Both hoping. That all will be alright.

End of chapter.

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