An Unusual Visitor.

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July 31, 1991, Amity Park, Usa.

An eleven-year-old boy wakes up. His name is Daniel Fenton. His Friends and Family all call him Danny. Today is a special day, for today is his birthday.

Daniel Has Raven Black Hair, Green emerald eyes, Blue jeans, a white T-shirt, And on his head. He has a lightning bolt scar.

For you see, Danny Fenton's real name is Harry Potter. Young Harry was Placed with the Fentons when Harry was just one year old. Danny's birthmother is the sister of his aunt, Maddy.

Maddy and Lily were thick as thieves and remained close till the death of the Potters. Jack and James took an instant liking to each other. They bonded over Jack and James's mutual interests.

Both Jack and James love Sports. And Jack was loving James Magic. James loved the lab of the Fentons and all of their inventions. They got on so well that the potters asked. That should anything happen to them that the Fenton's. Take care of Harry along with Sirius. All three became Harry's GodParents.

Maddy, the eldest, and Lily, the Youngest, have another Sister named Petunia.

The third sister never got along due to her jealousy. You see, Petunia was never as academically brilliant as Maddy or as magically gifted As Lily. Petunia was just Petunia, A girl who became obsessed with being considered normal.

When Maddy and Lily married, they married people who pushed them to be better. Petunia's Husband, Vernon, Vernon Only ever brought out the worst in Petunia.

You see, The Potters were Magically, thank you. And they won't apologize for it. And the Fenton's were perfectly abnormal, thank you. And like the Potters, they won't be apologizing for it either.

The Dursleys, on the other hand, were obsessed with being. Normal. And to Maddy's and Lily's sadness, Petunia just drifted away.

Now, the reason why Harry Potter is named Daniel Fenton is because the Fentons believed it would be safer for Harry if he disappeared and hid in plain sight. In America Halfway, across the world. Danny even gained a new godfather in the mysterious Vlad Masters. A friend from college drifted away For a while. Angry at Jack. But they later worked things out.

Back to today, 31 Juli 1991.

Danny wakes up and heads down to breakfast. His family surprised him, and all say. "Happy Birthday Danny." Jack, Maddy, and Jazz all hug him. Maddy says."I made your favorite breakfast. Eggs, toast, and sausages." Jazz asks playfully."Could you be any more British right now?" Danny responds with."Oh, come on, it's the one British clique I allow myself."

They all laugh when suddenly the doorbell rings. Jack says."Strange, im not expecting any visitors. Are you dear?" Maddy replies."No, I'm going to check it out. I will be right back, everyone."

Maddy heads to the front door and opens the door. Maddy sees an older woman standing in front of the door with a bun in her hair. Her clothing is also unusual. The woman introduces herself."Hello Mrs Fenton, may I come in? My name is Minerva McGonagall. It's a pleasure to meet you." Maddy replies."Of course, come on in. Miss McGonagall." Maddy guides McGonagall into the living room.

Maddy calls for the rest of the family to join her. And the rest of the Fentons join them. Minerva looks at Danny and thinks to herself.'He seems to be in good shape And happy. I made the right decision to ignore Albus that day.'


Surrey, England. Oktober 31, 1981.

"Albus, you can't leave the son of Lily and James Potter here. They are the worst sort of muggles. He has another family near here." says McGonagall. Dumbledore replies."Yes, but soon they will move away far from Britain. This way, we can keep an eye on him." McGonagall replies."You are ignoring their will. Albus, it's not right."

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