Diagon Alley and Plans.

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Diagon Alley. London.

The Fentons and McGonagall have arrived at the leaky cauldron. Before they walk into the pub, Maddy puts a Hat on Danny's head to hide his scar. They walk into the pub. And the owner, Tom, Greets McGonagall."Hello, Minerva, can I offer you a drink?"

McGonagall replies."Not today, Tom. I'm here to show around the Muggleborn and Muggle-raised Students." Tom says in reply."Well, mabye next time."

A few minutes later, A couple and Their daughter walk in. They seem like they have done well for themselves. The father introduces his family. "Hello, it's nice to meet you, I'm Dan Granger. My wife, Emma. And our Daughter Hermione."

Jack replies by Introducing his family."Hello Dan, it's nice to meet you too. I'm Jack Fenton. My wife, Maddy. And Our children Jasmine and Daniel."

The parents get a table while the children are talking together. Dan asks."So, Jack, what do you do for a living?" Jack replies."Me? I'm an Inventor And researcher. What about you, Dan?" Dan answers. "Im a Dentist. What do you research?"

Jack says."Our research focus is on the Paranormal." Dan looks surprised and asks."Does this have to do with your son?" Jack laughs and says."No, but it did prove that there is more than science can currently explain." Dan starts laughing, too. And says."I hear you. A few months ago. I did not expect to wake up and learn that my little angel is a witch."

Emma says to Maddy."You seem to be taking it well that your son has Magic." Maddy replies."Well, my sister had Magic, too. So I knew the chance existed. That one of my children might have it as well." Maddy then asks the same thing."You seem to be okay. With your daughter having Magic as well."

Emma replies."Well, I was shocked at first. But she is still my Hermoine. And I finally understood how a four-year-old girl could get books from the top shelf." Maddy smiles and says."Danny, when he was of a similar age, he got his first haircut, and he was not happy. The next day, his hair was back to normal."

Meanwhile, Hermione introduces herself to Jazz and Danny."Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Hermoine Granger." Jazz replies."Hello, Hermione. It's nice to meet you, too. Im Jasmine Fenton. But please call me Jazz." Danny says."I'm Daniel Fenton, but you can call me Danny. It's nice to meet you too, Hermione."

Hermione smiles and says."I was shocked but very pleased when I got my letter." Danny Replies."Yeah, I see how certain events suddenly made sense for you and your family." Hermione then asks."What about you, Danny?" Danny explains while feeling bad, he has to lie."My aunt had Magic, so we knew what we were dealing with."

Hermione then asks."Are you American? And if so, why do you go to Hogwarts? Why not a school in the United States?" Danny Thinks quickly and says."I was born here, so I was registered for Hogwarts."

The Fentons and Grangers are getting to know each other. And the other families arrive one by one.

McGonagall gives a quick introduction by pointing out the new students by surname."Allow me to introduce everyone. The first introduction is Mr Fenton. Next to him is Miss Granger. And the other three are Miss Perks. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Finch-Fletchley. Four of you are Muggle-born. That means you have Magic despite not being from a magical family. Mr Fenton Is a Half-Blood. But he is Muggle-raised. That's why he is joining us today."

McGonagall then says."First, we head towards Gringotts so you can exchange your pounds for wizard Currency."

They all head towards a white building with Gringotts on it. On the door is a poem engraved.

"Enter stranger, but take heed. Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take but do not earn. Must pay most dearly in their turn So, if you seek beneath our floors. A treasure that was never yours. Thief, you have been warned. Beware Of finding more than treasure there."

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