"Of course we can," P'Phayu says. "And there are others who are willing to help too. Your classmates and some of the seniors have come to remind me they are there when you are ready to go back to school."

"See, children there is always a compromise. Never forget that," Mama says, looking smug. Rain laughs and gives her a hug. "Okay I will leave you alone for the making up part. Anya is fast asleep." Mama gives them a wink and goes to the apartment P'Phayu had made for her out of the outbuildings.

Once she has gone, Rain goes and sits in P'Phayu's lap. He wraps his arms around the alpha's neck and buries his face against P'Phayu's chest. "I'm sorry," he says.

P'Phayu kisses the top of his head, "Me too, sweet boy, I should have realized that the way you were raised would make this harder. I didn't think."

They sat there just like that for a while holding each other. Later P'Phayu stood up, still holding in his arms. They spend the night tenderly reminding each other how much they love one another.

It's not always easy but part time and online classes work out better than Rain could have expected. The few times that their schedules clash, like if mama can't work from home because of an important meeting and Rain has a class he can't miss, then either Phayu stays home or drops Anya by the garage where Saifah watches her while doing paperwork in the office.

The garage staff dotes on her, and they aren't the only ones. With P'Pakin's permission, Anya attends her first races before she can even walk. The regulars and guards get used to seeing Rain or Phayu with Anya in a sling strapped to their chest or sleeping in the mechanics tent while Phayu inspects the bikes. The guards keep a close eye on her by P'Pakin's orders and the pit bunnies often "kidnap" her during their breaks. No one would dare cause trouble anywhere near the darling of the circuit. Anyone who tried would be tossed out of the race and banned from all events related to P'Pakin.

By the time she is walking Anya has her own set of mechanic coveralls and a play set of tools. She also has her own red and white racing jacket just like her uncle Pai's. It's not unusual to see her working on her play bike near her daddy or in her papa's or uncle Sky's arms clapping when her uncle Pai races.

At home, they include Anya in what they are doing as much as possible, never wanting her to feel like anything less than the most important thing in their lives. If they are working on drafts for school, Anya is at her own child sided drafting table that Saifah had made, drawing nonsensical lines that Rain and Phayu declare to be the best designed buildings ever. Or if they are working on a model, Anya is putting together her own model with her toddler sized blocks.

Phayu also doesn't forget the doctor's note and sometimes sends Rain out on a "playdate" with his friends while he watches Anya. At least once every couple weeks mama declares it's girl's night and shoos Phayu and Rain out the door for a more traditional type of date. On those nights mama and Anya have makeovers, and tea parties. Anya has her own mini bedroom in mama's apartments, and she sleeps over on those nights so Phayu and Rain can have a bit of alone time.

Sometimes it feels like time is passing so fast that if it wasn't for the pictures on their phones, they wouldn't be able to keep up with how fast Anya grows. All her milestones are there, first time rolling over, first time sitting up, walking, talking. One of Rain's favorite pictures he has printed and painted onto a canvas for his and Phayus's shared office at the house. It's of Phayu working on a bike, Anya by his side in her matching coveralls, hair tied up in a mini bun just like daddy's working with her plastic tools on her play bike. Both of them looking serious about their work.

Phayu declares the picture unfair and matches it with his own of Rain at his drafting table and Anya at her mini drafting table. Both of them have identical looks of concentration right down to the tips of their tongues sticking out as they draw.

There are pictures with her uncle Pai both wearing their racing jackets. Pai holding her steady on his bike while she pretends to drive, pictures with her uncle Sky spread out on the living room floor watching anime and eating snacks. Pictures of her in Korat when they visited Phayu's parents. Pictures with Rain's mama, pictures with Saifah and Heam, pictures with Rain's classmates holding Anya up between them. So many pictures they each have galleries full of them.

Right before Anya's sixth birthday they are all gathered around Rain in his graduation gown. He is holding his diploma in one hand and a bouquet of flowers from P'Phayu in his other arm. His husband is standing beside him holding Anya between them so mama can take some pictures. Then they switch up so mama can take pictures with Rain then with several of his classmates from his freshman class. Although they graduated before him, they have always considered Rain part of their class.

One of the seniors attending asks Anya if she wants to be an architect like her daddy and papa.

She shakes her head and declares that she wants to work on bikes like her daddy and uncle Fah. This draws a few amused chuckles from their close friends and family and confused looks from the others that aren't aware of P'Phayu's work at the garage.

"Any job prospects?" Ple asks Rain.

"I'm going to freelance from home doing drafts and designs." Rain answers to everyone's surprise.

"Oh, we thought that since Anya would be entering school soon you would be eager to get out into the workforce." Sig says. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Before Rain can answer, Anya suddenly remembers something. "I'm going to be a big sister," she announces to the crowd.

For a moment everyone stands in stunned silence, then Ple lets out a squeal.

Phayu kneels down and says, "Honey, that was supposed to be a secret for now, remember." So far, they had only told their families, Pai, Sky, and of course P'Pakin.

"Oh, yeah," Anya says, putting her fingers to her lips, "it's a secret." This causes everyone including Phayu and Rain to laugh. Like her papa, Anya is no good at keeping secrets.

Once the laughter dies down, Rain says, "We decided it was the right time since I've graduated."

There are congratulations and hugs or back pats all around.

The new baby isn't the only exciting news that day. Sky announces to the group that he and P'Pai are getting married. He promises to send out invitations soon. All and all it's an exciting day for everyone.

Rain sighs as he looks through his maternity clothes. He runs a hand lovingly over the overalls and tops. He also unpacks Anya's baby onesies and other newborn things.

P'Phayu comes and sits down beside him. "I've been thinking," the alpha says. "I want us to design a new house."

"For a client?" Rain asks.

P'Phayu shakes his head. "For use, you, me, the children, and mama of course."

Rain gapes at him, "What about this house?"

"Well it is a shared inheritance, and Saifah will probably marry Heam one of these days. I thought it might be his turn with the house." P'Phayu says, laughing.

"Can we really design our own place?" Rain asks. "You and me together?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." P'Phayu says. "It will be a home with plenty of room for Anya," he lays his hand on Rain's abdomen, "this one, and many more to come."

Rain picks up a pillow from the bed and throws it at him, "We are stopping after this one." He says.

"We'll see." P'Phayu says, smirking.

Rain closes his eyes, and he can see it, a house just outside of Bangkok with a big yard, and a few extra rooms just in case.



I am sad to see this story end, it's been with me for so long. But everything must end.

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