Chapter 16

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"Raindrop, if you add anything else to your nest there won't be room for you and your baby, much less Phayu." Mama tells him.

Phayu smiles, Rain's mama is the only one of them that could have gotten away with even this small criticism of Rain's nest. If he or Saifah had dared say anything, Rain would have angrily rounded on them, waddling up to tell them off. A reaction Saifah laughingly called "the angry waddles", but only when he was sure Rain couldn't hear him.

He only dares to slightly pout at his mama. "I just want it to be perfect. I feel like it's missing something."

Then suddenly he realizes. "Where is bunny?" Bunny is the stuffed animal Rain had gotten when they had visited Phayu's parents in Korat. Phayu had scented it for him, and he sleeps with it anytime he and the alpha had to be apart for any reason. "I have to have bunny in the nest. I can't do this without bunny."

Rain looks around in panic, but he can't find the stuffed animal anywhere.

"Where is my bunny? Has anyone seen her?" Rain asks the others.

Phayu thinks back, "Didn't you have her when you stayed with Sky last week?"

"Oh, I did. I must have left her at Sky's place." Rain says. "I need to go get her."

"It's late, why don't we get her tomorrow?" Phayu asks. To his horror he sees tears fill Rain's eyes at this suggestion.

Sky frowns at the ringing of his doorbell. He's not expecting anyone, P'Pai has to work late tonight, he has a video call with one of his dad's clients in the US. Because of the time difference it was scheduled at 11 pm. Rain is in full nesting mode since his baby is due in less than two weeks. Plus, he wouldn't be out this late, P'Phayu wouldn't let him.

Maybe P'Pai had gotten off work early. Sky decides that must be it and hurries to the door.

His smile dies on his face as he sees who is standing there. He tries to slam the door in Gun's and Petch's face but Gun sticks his foot in before he can.

"Sky," Gun says in his sickening sweet voice. "Is that anyway to greet an old friend?"

"We are not friends, get out or I will call the police." Sky says trying to sound braver than he feels.

Gun sighs, "I guess we aren't welcome here. Petch didn't you say you wanted to visit that pretty little omega P'Phayu married? We could even bring him a gift for the baby."

Sky feels sick at the thought of this monster anywhere near sweet innocent Rain. Rain who could pretty much have a baby any day now. No, he couldn't let that happen no matter what.

Pai looks at his watch and sighs. What a waste of a night it has been, the client had canceled their video call last minute. He could have spent the night with his Sky instead of waiting on a call that had never taken place.

"Since you were planning on staying anyway, you could catch up on some paperwork," Namtan, his assistant, suggests.

Pai gives an obviously fake cough, and says, "Sorry, I am sick."

This causes Namtan to roll her eyes. "Tell Sky I said hello." She says.

"I will," he says, grabbing his suit jacket and bag before almost running out of the office.

"I'll be right back." Rain tells P'Phayu.

"I can go get it." His husband volunteers.

"No, I know exactly where I left her now. Besides," he admits, "I really have to pee."

This isn't unusual, Rain thinks their kid enjoys pressing into his bladder at the worst times.

Sky doesn't answer the door. After a few minutes and uncomfortably shifting foot to foot, Rain decides Sky must be with P'Pai. He'll just let himself in, use Sky's bathroom, and grab bunny.

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