Chapter 13

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Phayu watched in amusement as Rain attempted to perform the line dance with Sky, Ple, Som, Sig, and Por. Rain was a very good dancer, but he was just starting to get a cute little baby bump and it was making some of the moves a little difficult. They had come to this club because the freshmen wanted to celebrate the end of their first semester. Everyone had spent the last few weeks studying hard and had earned a night out.

The one rule everyone had agreed to was no drinking. If Rain wasn't allowed to drink, then the rest of them would stick to sodas as well. Rain had told them that he didn't mind but Ple had said they could have plenty of fun without alcohol. The rest of them had agreed. It was fun too they just enjoyed each other's company and the good music. The house band was excellent and covered both the hottest K-pop and Thai pop music.

"Yu, can I ask your opinion on something?" Pai asks.

"Of course," Phayu turns his attention to his friend.

"The thing is, I am considering getting Sky a promise ring and asking him to officially be my boyfriend at Christmas." Pai says.

"Wow," Phayu says, "I didn't realize things were so serious between you." Phayu says.

"I really like him, Yu, I think he might be the one." Pai says.

"So, what's the problem?" Phayu asks him.

"It's just that Sky holds so much back, I was wondering if Rain had said anything about his past?" Pai says.

"No, he says that Sky is very private about his past." Phayu says, "besides if Sky wants you to know he will tell you."

"I know," Pai says, "It's just that I worry about him, Yu. Sometimes he just seems so sad it hurts me to see it. Then there are the nightmares he won't talk about."

Phayu stares at Pai.

"What?" Pai asks.

"I just never thought I would see this day," Phayu says, "when you would fall so hard. It's sweet really, baby's first love affair."

"Fuck you, asshole," Pai says.

"In your dreams," Phayu tells him.

"What are you talking about?" Rain asks coming over to the table. He reaches for a glass of soda, but Phayu takes it out of his hand and hands him a bottle of water instead. Rain gives him a little pout but drinks the water.

"Nothing much, having fun sweet boy?" Phayu ask him.

"So much," Rain says, "I really like this band they are so good." He says.

"Almost ready to go home?" Phayu asks. Rain has practically moved into Phayu's house now, only sleeping at home occasionally. Especially since he had so much studying to do over the last few weeks that Phayu could help him with. He and Phayu have dinner with Rain's mama every weekend.

"Do we really have to?" Rain whines.

"It's been a hard few weeks of studying and I know you are tired," Phayu tells him firmly, he can see the circles under Rain's eyes and knows the cute boy could really use a good night's sleep. "We can come back another time."

Rain sighs, "Okay, fine."

Phayu leans in and whispers low so only Rain can hear. "Look at it this way, tomorrow we can spend the day sleeping in among other things."

After that, Rain happily says goodbye to his friends and lets Phayu lead him out of the club. Rain really is tired and falls asleep on their way home. Phayu carries him in, reminding him of their first date. Phayu slips off Rain's sandals and then carries him to bed. He tucks Rain in not wanting to wake the omega up even to change, his smock top and shorts look comfortable enough to sleep in.

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