Chapter 7

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Despite P'Chai's assurance, Phayu couldn't help but be anxious that he, and by some extension Rain, would be in trouble over the incident at the race. P'Pakin wasn't an unreasonable person but Phayu had broken one of the number one rules about no violence, even if the race had been over and only the guards had been there to witness it.

So when the man invites both of them to his house for a meeting Phayu is more than a little worried about what his boss will have to say about the incident.

What he does not expect is for P'Pakin to begin by apologizing to them both. He even offers to have the guards punished for their lack of diligence.

Rain is a bit nervous at meeting P'Pakin in person but manages to give him a smile and says, "It's not necessary, Phi, we appreciate their help from that night."

P'Pakin seems pleased with this answer. "Very well. How is the house you rent? Is my landlord keeping everything in good repair?"

Rain brightens at this, "Yes, Phi, thank you very much. They even sent someone to help with the yardwork."

"Wonderful. Do you mind if I talk to Phayu alone for a second? You can wait in the parlor." P'Pakin says.

Rain can't help but to wander around the parlor looking at everything in amazement while he waits. The paintings especially catch his attention, they are gorgeous and each one is probably worth more than the house he and mama rents.

"Ready to go sweet boy?" P'Phayu asks from the doorway.

Rain feels joy as always just seeing his alpha. "Ready, Phi."

"So what did you and P'Pakin talk about? Or is it private?"

"Not really. He wanted to discuss next month's race, and he said that we don't have to worry about that guy, Stop, anymore." Rain wonders what that means but decides it's probably better not to ask. He just nods.

"Can we watch a movie?" Rain asks hopefully.

"Got all your homework done?" P'Phayu asks him. Rain considers lying but he knows P'Phayu would be able to tell so he just shakes his head.

"Come, we'll grab some take out and work on your homework tonight. We can go to the movies this weekend.

"When is your mama due back?" Sky asks. They have just sat down for their first class and the teacher isn't there yet.

"Two weeks, I can't wait to see her and introduce her to P'Phayu." Rain says. He is still nervous, but he has been dating P'Phayu for four months and he wants his mama to see how happy he is. He knows that she will love P'Phayu once she gets to know him.

He turns to tell Sky this when a wave of nausea hits him hard. "Rain are you okay?" he hears Sky ask. Rain doesn't dare open his mouth to answer, he dashes by their surprised professor. He hears Sky tell the teacher that he will check on Rain.

Rain just barely has time to dive into the bathroom stall before his breakfast makes a surprise revisit.

"Rain?" Sky asks from the doorway of the stall.

"I am okay," Rain says weakly. "Probably just something I ate or a stomach bug."

Sky helps him over to a bench outside their classroom, then goes to let the professor know he is going to drive Rain to a clinic. He comes bath with both their things as well.

"Sky, I am fine," Rain whines. "You can just take me home."

"Rain, no arguments. Even if it's something small they can give you some medicine." Sky says sternly.

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