Chapter 15

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Petch resists the urge to snap at or even slap the naked girl in his bed to get her to shut up as she giggles over whatever she is reading on her phone. Prija, who in Petch's opinion does not do her name justice, is obsessed with everything social media. Petch wouldn't even put up with her if her father wasn't some big wig at the company he worked at. The girl isn't even a decent lay, too easy, too boring.

"Petch, look," Prija giggled. "P'Phayu is getting married."

It took a few seconds for what the girl said to break through his irritation. Now that is a name he knows, that interfering asshole is one of the reasons he is no longer welcome at the races or any of the events that P'Pakin sponsors.

"Show me." he says. She beams that he is finally taking an interest and shows him the picture of P'Phayu standing next to an obviously pregnant omega. Petch notes with interest that P'Pai is also there and his eyes widen as he sees the omega P'Pai's arms are around. He snatches the phone and looks closer.

Prija's protests the rough movement bringing Petch's attention back to the girl. He sends the picture to his own phone then tosses her phone back to her. "Grab your clothes and get out." he tells her. He no longer cares what she tells her father. This is much more interesting than some promotion at work.

She must hear something in his tone that scares her because she grabs her things without protest and heads out the door still naked.

As soon as the door closes behind her Petch grabs his phone and dials a familiar number.

"Hello." the man on the other end answers.

"Gun, you aren't going to believe this. I found your ex, the one you have been looking for and guess who he is with, P'Pai!" Petch says with glee.

There is a pause then, Gun says, "Oh, this could be fun." He hangs up with a laugh.

Petch agrees, this could be so much fun.

Rain tried to turn and admire the back of the suit, "Sky, would you bring me that mirror I want to see."

Rain had been worried about the suit for the wedding, and how it would look on him. He knows it's slightly vain and he should just be happy, but he wants some nice wedding photos to look back on after all he is only getting married once.

However the tailor that P'Pai found for him is an absolute genius. The soft cream suit is made of a velvety material and hangs perfectly on Rain's pregnant frame. It's not baggy, Rain had thought the tailor would try to hide Rain's pregnancy in a sack like suit, but rather looks elegant and sophisticated. The shirt is a soft pink pullover that drapes Rain's baby bump prettily and sets off the suit.

"Sky, it's beautiful." Rain says with a sigh.

"Yes, now will you relax? The wedding is going to be perfect." Sky says. "Your mother is on the way with your flower for your lapel and your alpha will be waiting for you soon. Sit down and let me do your hair."

In his own room Phayu paces nervously tugging at the jacket of the dark blue suit that fit him perfectly. His black button up was open at the collar revealing a silver chain.

"Would you relax?" Saifah says. Pai nods his agreement.

"If Rain was going to run away, he would have done it by now." Pai says, teasingly.

Phayu just glares at the two of them and resumes his pacing. The door opens and his father joins the group.

"Nervous?" he asks as if it wasn't obvious. "Would you two give me a few minutes alone, you are needed out front anyways."

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