Chapter 11

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Rain tries for the third time to button his jeans, even sucking in his breath a little. He doesn't understand. These still fit last week.

"Not dressed yet?" P'Phayu asks.

"I'm not going." Rain pouts.

"What's wrong? Are you still upset about school yesterday?" P'Phayu comes and gives him a hug, letting his scent sooth Rain, "Or still worries about if my parents will accept you, they will love you, I promise."

"No look," Rain turns and shows P'Phayu the gap where the waist of his jeans won't meet no matter how much he tries.

P'Phayu's mouth falls open in surprise, and he looks like he's trying not to laugh. This makes Rain pout harder.

"It's okay, love," P'Phayu tells him, "It just looks like it's time to go shopping for you some maternity clothes. We can't skip out on meeting my parents, so why don't you borrow a pair of my sweatpants? The ones you always like to steal."

Rain considers what's worst, meeting his future in-laws in sweat pants or skipping out on the long planned meeting. In the end, he decides to just wear the sweat pants.

"You are so cute, so pretty." P'Phayu tells him. "I love you so much."

Rain isn't sure if the alpha is just saying it to make him feel better, but it works anyway.

The trip takes around four and a half hours, with P'Phayu making frequent comfort stops so Rain can go to the bathroom or stretch or get something to eat.

When they pull up in front of the house P'Phayu's parents are waiting for them. P'Phayu gets out of the car and then moves around to open Rain's door, giving him a hand up. Rain is grateful for this. Even with the frequent stops, he is feeling a little stiff and sore.

"Rain, these are my parents." P'Phayu tells him, "Ma, Pa, this is my fiance, Rain."

His mother steps forth to greet Rain, then gasps when P'Phayu's words register with her. "Fiance?"

Rain waits to see if she gets angry, maybe saying they are too young and still in school or moving too fast. Instead, she pulls him into her arms. "Welcome to the family, Rain. I insist you call us ma and pa."

"Wedding?" P'Phayu's dad asks, "Since when? Why didn't you tell us?" He doesn't seem upset, just surprised.

"We wanted to tell you in person," P'Phayu says. "About the wedding and about," he pauses, "the baby."

Rain thinks now will come the hurt and upset. Instead P'Phayu's mother squeals and pulls Rain in her arms for the second time.

This time P'Phayu's father also pulls Rain into a hug once his wife lets go.

"Does Saifah know? What about your parents, Rain?"

"I told Saifah before he could learn through other sources." P'Phayu says. Rain thinks he probably means the rumors from school.

"It's just my mom," Rain says. He might as well get this part out front. "I never knew my dad."

P'Phayu's mom gives him a little comforting pat on the arm. "And how did your mom take the news?"

"Better than I expected, but she would have rathered that I waited until I was out of school or turned 40 or something." Rain says.

P'Phayu's parents smile at this joke. His ma says, "I understand where she is coming from. Of course, it would have been better if you kids had started your careers first. Understand that we are being the selfish ones here. With Phayu's father being older, there was a real fear that he might not see his children marry, much less grandchildren. In meeting you, he has given us two precious things we didn't even dare hope for. You and this baby."

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