Chapter 18

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Rain and P'Phayu have never had a real argument before, not since they had started dating and certainly not since they had been married. Sure Rain had occasionally tiredly snapped at P'Phayu, but the alpha's patience for Rain, even when the omega had been in a bad mood, had always seemed endless.

Even now they don't raise their voices. Their discussion has been held in quiet and reasonable tones with both sides presenting their opinions, but they have reached an impasse with neither one giving in to the other.

The subject of the current debate is Rain's continuing education. Before having Anya, they had both agreed that Rain would return to school after taking the fall semester off. It had seemed simple at the time.

Now that the time has come, Rain discovers that he is not ready to leave his baby in the hands of others for such a long time every day. He is just asking for another semester off or maybe a few, maybe just until Anya is old enough for daycare, or maybe when she starts school.

He does understand P'Phayu's side of the debate, he really does. He knows how important education is to the alpha. He just can't imagine missing so much of this time with his little girl.

Now Rain sits glaring across the table at P'Phayu who is staring cooly back at him with his arms folded across his chest. It's only when Rain's mama comes back into the room do the couple adjust their postures, trying to pretend like nothing is wrong.

Rain sees his mama sigh. She had taken Anya to feed her and put her to bed just so the two of them could talk this out, but that had gotten them nowhere.

"You know there are times with business contracts when neither side can come to an agreement." Mama says. "When that happens it's my job to step in and negotiate a compromise."

"Compromise?" Rain asks. He's not sure how they can compromise either he goes back to school now or he waits.

"Let's look at both sides. Phayu doesn't want a long delay in your education. Rain you still want to be an architect, right?" She asks Rain.

"I do!" Rain insists, "It's what I have always dreamed of. It's just that..."

"Just that you have this tiny person to care for and you don't want to hand raising her over to someone like I did you to your grandparents." Mama says.

P'Phayu shifts uncomfortably at this as if he just now realizes why this is so important to Rain.

Rain feels bad as well, he would have never said so to his mama, but the thought had been in the back of his mind.

"I didn't...," Rain started not sure how to finish, "I mean, I was happy the way our family was. I just..."

"Want something different for Anya. You don't have to explain, Raindrop, I understand." Mama says. "Just remember there are more options available now than when you were a baby. I understand the university offers part time and online classes."

"That's right," P'Phayu says, "It will take longer that way, but it wouldn't be as long a delay as waiting for Anya to be in daycare."

Rain thinks about it, several of his classes can be taken online. For those he actually needs to sit for, he could go to school part of the day and still have plenty of time to spend with Anya.

"We can still help each other with homework and projects." Rain says hopefully. An outsider would think any help would be P'Phayu helping Rain only but that wasn't always the case. Rain is a talented artist and often gives P'Phayu help with sketches and models. He even helps his husband organize his notes sometimes when the alpha is very busy, which he often is between school, the garage, and his work for P'Pakin.

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