Chapter 25

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||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

            ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

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With Amora

"At the end of the imperial family tree we have the Emperors grand children, there's Prince thanes children Princess Mika, the twins Prince Leo and Prince Zane, we have prince Theo two children Prince Noah and Princess Mila lastly there's Prince Caleb children Prince Gabriel and the youngest grandchild currently Princess Nova, of course there's also his majesty's long lost Nieces and nephews including princess Carella, princess Aliyah, Prince Frederick or as we know him now Sir Frederick, Princess Naomi and Princess Sierra his majesty Deceased sister lost daughter" said Leonard. Writing it all down on the board for me to copy in my book like I have been this entire lesson.

So far I got most of the important imperial family members and has taken notes on the personalities they were said to have but I still felt like I was missing something. At the start of the lesson Leonard told me that only people related to the imperial family could become Grand Duke or Duchess without marrying a member of the imperial family but if that's the rule then how did Raul and Rya become heirs to the grand Dukedom? I asked myself before asking Leonard out loud.

"I'm confused, you said before that one can only become Grand duke if they're relatives of the imperial family" I said and Leonard automatically knew what I was getting at.

"Yes there's a small part of the imperial family's bloodline people seem to forget and that is the fact that his graces grandfather was the 4th cousin of the emperor Godrics father" said Leonard "But wouldn't that make Raul and Rya the emperor and his kids cousins? Why would he want to marry his daughters off to they're cousins it's weird" I said feeling kind of disgusted. Leonard pushed his glasses up "Actually it's not uncommon for members of the imperial family to Marry they're cousins, in-laws, or even half siblings it's an old practice in which they're royal ancestors deemed necessary to keep the imperial family bloodline powerful and pure, it's still legal today but frowned upon now" Leonard explained. "I see" I replied.

"But that's not the case with the Romiro family the fact is his Grace Raul's father was adopted into the Romiro family therefore Raul and Rya have no blood relation to the Imperial family in fact they're not connected at all, only by law are they viewed as family members of the imperial family but to a certain extent meaning if they were to marry one of the prince or princess it wouldn't be seen as an disgusting act plus they're only claim is to the Grand Dukedom it's properties, business, Land, animals, fortune and people, they have no Legitimate claim to the throne which means they couldn't declare themselves a prince or princess and join the fight for the throne should something happen to the current Emperor, only they're grandfather Richard Ramiro had that right" said Leonard explaining everything clearly. I wrote what he said down in my book.

Just as I was writing there was a knock on the library door causing us all to turn our attention towards it. "Forgive me for the interruption" said a males voice I looked up to see a brown haired man, dressed in a gold and white army uniform similar to the one I seen sir Frederick wearing. His eyes were two different colors one blue and the other brown.

Over the blue one there was a scar that rested on his eye and he looked to be around the same age as Raul. "Sir alexander?" Said Leonard confused and surprised. The man then walked over to Leonard before whispering something in his ear. I couldn't hear what he said but the look on Leonard's face after made me worry.

"Is something the matter?" I asked worriedly Leonard cleared his throat before turning to face me once again. "No everything's fine Madam, however I'm afraid we will have to cut your lessons short today his grace has requested my presence" said Leonard but I could tell there was something wrong. "Oh ok" i replied, Leonard bowed and so did the knight whose name I learned was sir Alexander.

They then left the library leaving no one be sir Lance and I.


Night soon fell and I waited in the bedroom for hours but his grace did not appear. I found this weird and confusing he's usually here before me yet when I returned from exploring the rest of the palace after Leonard ended our lesson so early, he was no where to be found. Did he change his mind about sharing a room with me? I asked myself. The thought of it made me sad, I had grown used to his graces warmth when we slept together and found his presence comforting but now as I looked around the empty cold room a familiar feeling once again surrounded me. Loneliness the feeling I hated most but never had the heart to admit it, I didn't want to be a burden.

I held a pillow close to my chest as I hugged my knees. What was wrong with me I may have never liked being alone but it was something I could stomach so why did I suddenly feel like this feeling was unbearable?.

Daylight came, and I woke up to the feeling of someone watching me and brushing my hair with their fingers. I didn't get scared in fact fear never crossed my mind seeing as a familiar yet recognizable smell warped around me. It was the smell of freshly cut grass and fresh air on a sunny spring morning. A smell that I've only known to belong to him.

I looked up to see Raul with a sweet yet warm smile. "Good morning my love" he said in a soft tone one that could be mistaken for a lullaby. "Your g-" I started to say but stopped when I seen a frown appearing on his face. That's right he said he'd prefer for me to be less formal with him. I thought as I suddenly remembered. "Raul, you're here" I said, hearing his name it was as if his smile grew wider. "Yes, my apologies my love for not joining you last night I had to visit some of my knights who needed my assistance" he said but for some reason I felt he was not being truthful with me. Did he really not wish to share a room with me anymore?, "Raul.." I said he looked at me meeting my eyes as I sat up on the bed. "Yes darling?" He asked

"I thought we promised to be truthful to one another, if you didn't wish to share a room with me anymore it would've been better to just tell me" I said looking away. "I-Wait No!, That's not the case Amora" he said panicked. I was surprised, is that's not it then what? From the moment Leonard left the library Raul was no where to be found, it felt like he was avoiding me. "Then what is it?" I asked confused. Raul sighed and got up from kneeling on the floor before taking a seat on the bed next to me. "I'm sorry my love your right, in truth I have been avoiding you but not for the reason you think, I didn't want you to find out about recent events" he said. "Recent events?" I repeated.

He took a breath before speaking again "Do you remember Father Dean?" He asked. Father Dean is the head of the holy church who officiated the Duke and I wedding. "Yes he's the head of the church who married us" I replied. His graces face suddenly went dull "He was executed by the emperor 3 days ago" he said my eyes went wide as I sat there stunned. But why? He was a nice man and even though I didn't know him that well I could tell he was a good man. "Why?, why would the emperor do such a thing?" I asked "To spite me, as you should be aware by now the emperor is not fond of me and you're married to me so now neutrally he is not fond of you" he said before letting out a sigh before a worried expression appeared on his face. "He might feel like you're in the way of me marrying one of his daughters, he aim to use me to make his bloodline stronger by producing more Mana mages like me, which means there's a high chance you could be in danger" he said the worried expression on his face growing stronger.

I had to do something to ease him I didn't like seeing him like this so I reached out and took his hand in mine. "Everything will be fine, the emperor may be the emperor but he wouldn't outright attempt to harm me with no good reason" I said besides I haven't met any of the imperial family besides sir Fredrick and they've never even met me so the chances of me butting heads with any of them is slim.  

At least that's what I thought until a week later I got an official invitation to attend an event hosted by the emperor himself.

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