Chapter 19

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        ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

           ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

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The next morning

                                  With Amora

I woke up to the light beaming through the thin white curtains. I opened in closed my eyes giving them time to adjust to the light, once I was able to see I noticed I was now facing his grace. I must've turned around in my sleep. I thought as I looked at his grace who was still asleep next to me.

I can see why noble woman are obsessed with him, his perfect jawline, his eyes in which are a light blue color like the sky, his thick long curly hair that reaches his shoulders, the curls that rest perfectly on his face. He is handsome that I couldn't deny I thought.

I found myself reaching out and touching his sleeping face softly touching the curls of his hair that were covering his face and moving them to the side. he was any and every noble woman's dream and it didn't help that he was the Duke. So why did he chose me? I'm not nearly as beautiful or as smart, my body is frail and my skin is so pale.

Why did he pick a woman who doesn't even know how to be a duchess? I asked myself.

I found myself looking down as tears started to form in my eyes. That's when I felt an all so familiar touch on the side of my face and immediately realized it was his grace. I looked up to meet his eyes.

                                With Raul

I woke up to the negative feelings of someone near by flowing into my head. But unlike most negative feelings these weren't the same as when people want to hurt or kill somebody, they were the feelings of doubt and insecurity even concern. But there was only two people in this room right now, I looked up to see Amora looking down on the brink of tears. My heart ached at the sight these were her feelings, I immediately reached out and touched the side of her face gently gaining her attention. She looked up at me. I had the power to feel others Emotions and  reading people completely rather it be their minds or hearts even their body's but when I first met Amora I couldn't feel anything from her not one single emotion which made me wary of her.

This was the first time I've gotten this feeling from her when I was sure she was the only person in this world who I couldn't read and I had accepted that fact.

Once I touched her face the feelings became less intense, "Amora" i said speaking softly to her. "Your grace?" She replied "What is my wife thinking about that's making her eyes water" I asked worriedly she looked shocked that I noticed. "N-nothing" she said and I could tell she was hiding how she was feeling I didn't even have to use my magic to sense that. It was silent for a moment until she suddenly decided to speak again. "Why did you choose to marry me?" She asked without looking into my eyes. I was surprised was she worrying about if I really wanted to be with her?.

I sighed before opening my mouth to speak "it was when you rejected me, it showed that you didn't care about my title, but that wasn't what shocked me the most though, it was the fact that you were worried that I was making a life changing decision that my heart didn't truly desire, for the first time in my life someone was thinking about what I wanted as well" I said before taking a breath and continuing to speak as she listened.

"but that wasn't the moment I fell for you if was actually when we were exchanging letters to one another, reading them as you talked about your likes and dislikes along with your hopes and desires made me feel warm inside, I wasn't sure if it was your sweet scent that lingered on the letters even after it had left your hands or your beautiful yellow eyes that I see every time I close mine, but I couldn't stop thinking about you, your sweet scent took over my nostrils and invaded my mind, your voice lingered in my ears so much so that I could hear it whenever I read a letter from you" I said as I looked deep into Amoras eyes. I wanted her to know what's in my heart and to feel it every time I looked at her. I wanted her to know that I loved her and only her.

"I'm obsessed with you Amora, in such a short time you've been rooted deep into my heart so much so that I feel like the breath is being taken from my lungs when I am not near you, I'm willing to give you everything just so you'd stay by my side" I said my heart pounding in my chest the more she stared into my eyes. Her facial expression softened and the tears that once dared to form disappeared.

In that moment we both subconsciously leaned into one another, my eyes focusing on her lips and hers mine. We both clearly wanted to feel the other's lips pressed against ours.

We were inches away from finally reaching each other's lips when suddenly the room doors swung open and one of the maids walked inside. "Madam, I've come to help you get ready for the day-" said Lady Trish but stopped in her tracks when she saw the position me and Amora  was in.

"Oh dear I'm sorry should I come back later?" Asked Lady Trish her face a bright red. His grace sighed in climb out of bed before tying his robe that was once open and clearing his throat "No need I have work to do so I'll be on my way, take care of my wife" he said in a rather unusual tone. Amora was confused his grace seemed irritated for some reason. Oh man I screwed up didn't i, lady Trish thought seeing his grace annoyed expression.

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