Chapter 1

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           ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

18 years ago I woke up in a strange baby's body with no memory of who I was just that I died before my time and was given a second chance

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18 years ago I woke up in a strange baby's body with no memory of who I was just that I died before my time and was given a second chance. In this new world my name is Amora Haku, I'm 19 years old. I'm from a noble family. I live with my uncle and aunt and two twin cousins as my parents died when I was very young leaving me with nothing but a book. My parents were the Viscounts but since I was much too young to succeed that title when they died it was given to my next of kin's instead as I had no other family. I'm treated as a noble woman in public but behind closed doors I'm treated as less than that. But it's fine because somehow I've become numb to it.

"I heard the Duke was back in town" said two maids outside of my door as I sat in the window nook of my bedroom reading the book my parents left to me that I'm sure I've read a thousand times before. I tried not to listen to their gossip as it was a normal occurrence around here, "Do you think he's here for this seasons love festival?" Asked another maid, "Probably, I did hear that he was looking for a wife but was said to have extremely high standards which is why he declined every lady who's ever approached him even members of the imperial family are obsessed with him" said the maid. "Who wouldn't be the Duke is a very handsome man" said another maid "That is true" she said before they both broke out in giggles. I rolled my eyes I never understood the noble ladies of this town obsession with getting married to the man with the shiniest title, it made no sense. He could be a prince with a nasty attitude and woman would still flock to him all because of the title Prince. Just then my younger cousin Roman came barging into my room.

"Amora father and mother wants to speak with you so put that ragged book down and come on" he said with an annoyed expression on his face. I sighed and sat my book down before getting up and following him downstairs. I stood in front of my uncle and aunt who both looked at me. "Sit down Amora" said my uncle, I sat down and the maids poured some cups of tea. "You are aware that the Duke is coming back to town?" Asked uncle, I am now after hearing the maids talk yes, I answered in my head before clearing my throat and answering out loud. "Yes" I simply said as I then went to pick up a cup of tea but the maid moved it over to my uncle and aunt, I sighed and looked up at them. "We have signed you up to be presented to his grace, you're too old now and we already have two children a 3rd isn't necessary" said my aunt. I wanted to protest but we've been through this before when I turned 18, since I've came of age they've been trying to marry me off but it hasn't worked so far. Just then I heard a giggle and automatically knew that it was from my other cousin Elsie. "Good luck I heard that the Duke is tempered and cold, he'll most certainly blow a fuse when he sees your ugly face" she said with a snicker as Roman stood behind her chair and joined in. "They also said that any woman who proposed to him goes missing" said Roman. I ignored their words but my hands still shook a bit after hearing them. "You can have one of Elsie old dresses for tomorrow, if you can't cozy up to the Duke then find another place to stay, I want you out of this house as soon as possible" said uncle before getting up and leaving. "Come Roman and Elsie" said my Aunt as she followed, My cousin's both laughed as they left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I didn't want to get married but I had no choice. if I didn't then I'd surely be kicked out, i can tell my aunt and uncle has grown tried of me by the treatment I've received that's harsher then usual. I have no money so if that was to happen I'd be homeless and probably become a slave.

The next day;

I was dressed in Elsie's old last season gown by some of the maids as I listened to their subtle insults. "My your very frail nothing like the young Misses" said one maid as she tried to fit the baggy dress around my waist. "And her skin is much too pale we'll have to use lots of blush" said the other maid who was doing my makeup. After about an hour they were finally done and they had moved onto my hair. "Such an unusual color" said one maid as she brushed my hair I watched in the mirror I was sitting in front of expressionless. As they whispered and giggled, once it was all done I was escorted to the carriage where my Aunt and cousin Elise was waiting inside. I got inside and sat down and the carriage immediately took off.

"You need to be on your best behavior when we get there, you've been leeching off of us for too long as is" said my aunt I just sat with my hands on top of my favorite book I had brought with me and my head hung low, Later we arrived at a gathering. I was about to get out of the carriage after my aunt when suddenly Elise snatched the book from my hands causing me to quickly turn around. "You don't need this old thing" she said I tried to grabbed it but it was too late as she threw it out of the window. "No!" I shouted slightly as I immediately got out of the carriage and was about to go look for it when my aunt yanked me by the arm. "Come on girl don't make a scene" she said dragging me through the crowd as Elise snickered and followed closely behind.

Amora age 19 ;

Amora age 19 ;

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