Chapter 20

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          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

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Outside on the training

Outside on the training

"Should I go with the bronze sword or the silver?" Asked Fredrick as he stood in front of the weapons rack trying to decide which one to use for Raul and his training session today. "Your not choosing a dress your picking a sword garb one and let's go" Raul replied in a rude tone, he was still pretty prickly from this morning when Trish ruined his almost kiss with Amora. "Geez your really that mad that you didn't get to seal the deal with a kiss this morning?" Asked Fredrick as he grabbed a sword and made his way to the middle of the concrete training square arrogantly. "Take your stance" said Raul completely ignoring his question. Fredrick sighed and took his fighting stance pointing his sword at his grace.

"I'm not going easy on you" said Frederick cockily "You say that as if you've ever won against me before" Replied Raul taking his fighting stance. There was a moment of silence and an intense stare down before Fredrick struck first. In one quick move he sprung forward and attacked Raul head on clashing swords with him. Raul was surprised for a moment which was how his sword was almost knocked from his hand. Raul didn't Expect for Fredrick to go with a strike first move so he knew he must've been trying something new. His grace knew his soldiers inside and out especially Fredrick and Lance them two being his most trusted ones.

See on the battlefield there's different Majors every soldier had a weapon they were exceptionally good with. There was Bow and arrow, Swords, Twin blades, Daggers, throwing stars, and fist gauntlet which were basically just Armor that was for your fist and when used correctly was an up close weapon for people who prefer hand to hand combat.

Fredrick was an archery major his skill with a bow and arrow is extraordinary, but his skill with a sword was average at best which was why Raul was training him in the first place. Knowing this Raul used this to his advantage trying to find any openings in his movements and use it against him. He watched Fredrick's moves carefully while staying on the offensive not striking back but still fending off his attacks. "Come on commander are you going to even try to attack or am I too fast for you" said Fredrick, taunting his grace. That's when it clicked, Fredrick was using speed to divert his attention from the fact that his swings were all wide rights leaving him open for a split second but giving him more of a chance of landing a final blow on Raul.

Once Raul figured out the opening an evil smirk appeared on his face. Which startled Frederick, did he figure out something? What was he planning?, asked Fredrick in his head as he readyed himself for an attack but to his surprise Raul stayed planted in his spot pointing his sword at Fredrick.

Fredrick smirked "So you're not going to attack?, good because I'm just getting started!" He yelled before charging head first at Raul again. Raul waited even through Sir Fredrick was close enough to land a blow.

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