Chapter 11: Secret package

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A weight falls onto my bed, onto me, embracing my body and forcing my eyes to open widely. A loud groan follows realising it was my sister and my best friend trying to mess with me.

"VICTORIA! Get your ass and wake up!" Diana yells as loud as she can and she keeps messing onto my bed, undoing the sheets and creating a massive pillow fight with my sister Bianca.

I realised I was in deep sleep for multiple hours, my exhausted body needed more, the sun was settled, it was burning my skin with those sun rays coming straight into my eyes from the wide opened window.

Feeling already like a zombie, refreshed yet in need for more of sleep, I also had Diana and Bianca acting like ten years old.

I had no idea how time passed so quickly, how I have been sleeping for so long yet here I was groaning and mumbling stuff under my breath as I remained stuck onto the mattress too weak to move.

I mutter and when I released what had happened I started shouting at both of them. Eventually I couldn't bare Diana's voice and sat on my bed as I rubbed unstoppable my eyes which felt quite dry.

"Since when are you two friends?" Is the first question that comes to mind regarding how much they used to fight each other last year I visited.

They absolutely repelled each other to the level of constant arguments worst than the ones me and Adrian are sharing.

"Since yesterday."Diana announces, painting the town red along with Bianca together.

It was shocking, my jaw would hit the floor if I wasn't so sleepy and dull. My mind wasn't completely enrolled to reality yet.

"Yesterday when, you couldn't stop giggling over nothing. " I wasn't talking to Bianca but she completely ignored my ignorance.

"Oh come on, you were pretty upset over nothing yesterday." Bianca noted with an eye roll showing off her irritation.

"What happened really? When you and Adrian went upstairs for like an hour?" A certain confusion suppresses her skin, her eyebrows furrow and they now both stare at me in curiosity.

Fuck. I felt my brain suddenly working, a loud pound on my chest as an expression of a guilty person washed me all over, I panicked for some reason reminding myself of his whispers and his words against my face, the sudden closure we shared... Their interrogating style triggered me enough, although nothing occured.

"The usual stuff.." I speak in a hesitant tone as I scratch my nose feeling uncomfortable.

Their interest grew stronger now whilst their eyes followed my every move analyzing me from head to toe.

"And anyway... why would you wake me up? Didn't I instructed everyone not to be disturbed until I was up from my nap?" The anger indicating on my face.

"You have a package." Bianca mentions and stands up grabbing in her hands a huge white box with a turquoise bow wrapped around it.

She hands me the box and I observe it in detail, my eyes trail on her in visible confusion.

"Who is it from?"

"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders clueless.

I sigh and let the box against the soft mattress of my bed as both of the girls stranded sat around me, eager to find out more of this mystery package.

My thrillation couldn't wait, even if I was a bit dubious if I should open it or not, soon I untucked the lace and pulled the cover having myself stare inside the box.

A 1995 Chanel vintage haute couture dress in the perfect quality was contained inside of this box. I immediately gripped the dress carefully and got up letting it unfold and stretch to see it complete.

Survival JournalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora