Chapter 7: Headlines

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My eyes felt heavy, like I have been sleeping for the past few days. My brain felt like it didnt work for loads of Hours. The vision was blurred. I groaned as I tried to wake myself even if I was no awaken.

Where am i? I start to wonder as I observe in detail the room after my Vision clears. My brain still wasn't working properly but I have made a progress, I was slowly starting to having my senses back as I felt the largest weight on my head. What have I drunk.. I'm so stupid. I only remember having a few drinks bit now that I'm thinking clearer something else may have fallen inside those drinks.

Although, those weren't my concerns at the moment more than I cared when have I ended or whose house I'm sleeping at.

Little did I know I wasn't neither in my place, or wearing my clothes, at least my clubbing ones. Diana wasn't near me and I wasn't at her place either.  Few options are left now. I didnt recognize the building structure which means I haven't been here, so it isn't Leon's place either.

Soon A part of my questions were answered not completely as I observed Ferrari race suits being all over the room in a messy way, the sheets a noticeable red colour, every small detail was red inside the room leaving no more options left than two.

Two really bad options, as I prayed not to be the first one.

I became even more confused when I observed those red bedsheets around my body like I was a burrito. The only concern that is now on display in my mind is the broken promise not to be in headlines, clearly I had fun yesterday in a way I ended up here. In only split seconds I remember almost everything I did, I couldn't help but miss a gap into my head of how I went out of the party and came here. The only situations I do remember is me being all over Lewis, kissing and making out, dancing, my best friend dancing too but with Adrian!

"What the actual-" I am in the middle of breaking down in a serious killing condition, killing him.

But when I am about to stand up, And not so pleasant face comes to sight. My first and worst option that earlier I prayed not to be the one. He is inside this room watching me with a smile, or more specific, checking me with one.
What have I done? What happened yesterday and how I ended up here out of all places!

I can't believe myself! I started panicking in seconds, In less than seconds! My blood was boiling and my heart pounded louder than ever in the sight of him. Every inch of me froze as my eyes stared at his, my throat felt even more shore.

Adrian was standing inside the room only wearing a pair of sweatpants on.

"Finally, it was about time you wake up." He says in a normal attitude as he rolls his eyes, my gaze slided down on his revealed body and it was then that I notice he wasn't wearing any god damn shirt in front of me.

Shirtless, this abs were you exclusive pointed at me, making me swallow a lump in discomfort, I couldn't control my surprismenet, I couldn't stop staring. 

Why doesn't he cover himself, and he has to show me off his perfectly formed abs? His body was unquestionable good, extremely nice and cared. My hands covered my body, it was revealed in front of him since I wore only my underwear and sensed a rather rebellious anger inside of me.

But I wonder how much time he spends Working out, it clearly has some affection with such muscles everywhere. I couldn't definitely touch them, to feel their realness.

what's wrong with me, thinking about him in a weird way...

"You see something you like, Tesoro?" He asks with one of his stupid ironic grins checking out my unreleased body the same at I was checking him out. Like I was a piece of meat.

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