Chapter 6: Forbidden kiss

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"Are you okay?" He asks me.

Lewis Hamilton was now standing next to me, observing me with a sweet grin pinned on his face.

My heart pounds so loudly, I feel like he sucks all the oxygen out of me, the intimidation those eyes send me of his influence, although there is an uncontrollable fear which hides itself behind a strong and confident welcoming smile.

My pupils slowly meeting his showing my teeth in my wide grin, it got even worse realising the entire room was spinning, my tongue twirling on itself and only the sensation of my drunk self next to him lit me on fire.

"Do not tell me you are drunk." He giggles in the thought.

"If Diana wasn't dancing like a slut with Adrian Del Angelo I wouldn't be."

His lips form a playful grin, I was noticing every little detail about him, and it made him uncomfortable but I couldn't stop. I am literally melting.

The way his eyes unravels my body with these secret stares, I could already feel a lot of gazes on us, Diana's warning stare for instance.

Im too blind to acknowledge her. Now all my attention for once wasn't on her slutty dance around my Adrian. I mean Adrian himself.. ugh I can't even think straight, what's wrong with me?

"I sense a little jealously?" His eyebrows furrow.

It took only one sentence for him to lit me up like a canon. Pure emotions of rage which I held back and carried a rather annoyed attitude.

"No, of course not!" I answer automatically.
"The only person I am jealous of, is your shirt-" fuck! My words were cut short by my own self getting a hold of myself before uttering something utterly inappropriate while I'm drunk to my teammate, the one person im seeing more than my family in a daily basis.

Yet I prayed he didn't hear that last sentence, I wasn't thinking..

"What? Why?" he questions giggling while he looks at his shirt curious to learn.

I couldn't help but notice his hand touching his shirt softly, what a nice hand. His other hands is being rested on the bar counter next to me as he bends over My way looking forward for a further conversation with me. Actions that flutter me.

"Uhm... Nothing." I respond with a full smile on he does the same back at me.
"So would your friends mind if you stay over?"

My gaze once again meets Diana's from far over the dance floor, her glare was visible with those enraged features of a strict manner, Adrian next to her wasn't even looking.

"I dont think they would mind. And neither will I." I love him. But not love him I love the way he speaks. I mean i.. I like the way of him. The way his speaks I mean. Uh.

He sat next to me my chair turned facing him and ignore both assholes over the dancing floor completely.

I swallowed back the anger, the fury I deep down felt tickling my chest.

"So what happened out there with you and Adrian. Tomorrow is the conference interview and they have called both Adrian, you, plus me and Charles." He informed me. What?

My face pictures a confusion. Leon hadn't informed me how was I supposed to be prepared knowing I will be pretty soon screwed, I always messed up the conference meetings. Nothing has changed much from then. 

Only my determination is stronger.

"I do not know, maybe he drove me off the track almost forcing me to crash?" I mention.

"Oh yeah right. But I think you were incredible there to have this awful fake smile after." His sweet voice sounds gently, while I felt happy that he was watching over me to notice how I was feeling besides that fake smile on.

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