Chapter 4: Attraction

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The time passed and we soon were in Diana's place ready to start getting ready for the after party, although the moment we stepped foot inside her apartment there was a huge mess awaiting for our arrival.

Piles of clothes in every corner, hair brushes, shoes laying everywhere, products combined together by being in the most random places.

I felt a lump on my throat realising the chaos we left behind on her apartment and only feel bad about whomever will have to clean this up afterwards.

Diana seemed careless, her attitude was over the moon, she wouldn't care about any little detail so I followed along although I have a policy about a clean space. I decided to take a vast exhale and loosen up.

Our paths separated, I moved towards her closet and she got inside the bathroom. Another thing we do opposite. She is obsessed with starting from head to toe, while I want to go from toe to head, starting with the outfit and later on the rest.

However, getting ready with her clothes seemed impossible, every piece she owned in this closet was a rather reavealing piece of clothe. Without wanting to insult her style, and without saying I'm always dressed appropriately, those dresses had barely material on them, weird shapes and colours. Diana is a free spirit with clothes, she prefers showing some skin, and I do to, but sometimes is too much for me. Although it fits her perfectly.

My eyes trailed around the closet searching for the best dress, catching dress after dress, still I couldn't come to a conclusion in what to wear, I can be a difficult persona about choosing.

I sigh, I wish Leon was here with us, he has an interesting opinion about clothes, but apparently he won't follow us for the rest of the night. One babysitter less for me.

I grab some dresses and choices for me and stroll outside of her closet, viewing Diana sitting in front of her vanity as she fixes her hair, starting from the start, ruining her previous professional, made by hairdressers look into something more casual and loose.

On the other hand I viewed every material on my hands testing it infront of my body as a sensation of confusion runs all over me and Diana is literally in her own world.
We were pretty alone into this. It is fun though, after so long getting ready to finally have some fun, let myself half free in a club after such long day. It made me feel like sixteen years old again in times when me and Diana used to sneak into a club only because my father would never give me his permission.

It was my kind of revolution against him.

But now. Now everything is different and those times soon have me craving for this emotion of thrillstion over small stuff.

"What am I going to wear, Diana?" I wonder, my whiney voice pitched high enough to detach her.

"Depends what are your goals for the night." Her voice is soft and her eyes aren't even following me.

I take a seat on her bed, in an attempt to calm down and think.

"Well, that would mean not to get wasted, not to do anything silly, while I am surely wasted, do not let it slip away my mind and do another shit." I told her watching her at the same time.

"Hmm. Good luck with that."A giggle I notice escaping her mouth.

I let out a large gap of air, as I lay Down on the soft mattress, my gaze on the lixurious ceiling analysing it.

What am I going to wear. The eternal question of every female.
Why it must be so difficult to find the perfect dress. A dress that Is elegant but celebration material, silk touched, and generally fit me perfectly. Not too much but glamorous enough.

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