Chapter 21: Swap of places

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Everyone was intense, hands  stuck on the wheels underneath the thick fabric of the gloves as the race was about to start. Exhale inhale, I reminded myself keeping me under control, checking my mirrors again. And hoped for this nightmare to end sooner or later.I felt adrenaline passing through my blood. I was in 6th place and I had to manage and get first and pass Adrian who was in pole. That black ship he keeps winning with such ease that makes the sport seem easy amd all of us dump. But he doesnt know me well enough to even consider that I will let him flop with this.

"Lights out and way we go in Washington, the second grand prix of the season with the top competing cars on first positions."

The race starts with the lights off and I try my best to overtake whoever I can but this all where so new to me. The situation was bitterly competitive with a car here in a position like this. Charles was really doomed after this shit is over.

However I try to clear my mind since this sport takes concentration and percievness to achieve the slightest points. Today I have not come with the hope to just be in the top 10 like my crew chief expects, but to crash the records and end up first.

In the first ta laps i had managed to make a really nice start and gain two positions as now I was 4th. Still I had a big face up with 61 laps which all would be a challenge.

I try to push my car to the limits and check a lot the back as badly left me no space. That didnt last long. Lap 10 and I was on Drs zone. So in chance of overtaking Stroll the Drs was activated and managed to pass him  perfectly just before the turn.  I smiled inside of my helmet as sweat was all over me in the first 12 laps!

I was now 4h and in front was Alonso and lewis. My sudden burst for space was heavily commented by the representators since today I'm not fully me in their aspect...

I was driving more chilling as I was aware that this track belongs to me. Certain of my victory, with briefing confidence flying out of me.

I go faster. And faster by the minute, feeling again like I'm flying as I pass easily Alonso without any Drs in an open turn where I gave the risk and go round than close to the edge. I ended up overtaking his place leaving him in 6th. Now was Hamilton in front of me and he would not be easy to pass.

My teamate is pretty competitive even if it he seems low this bc ew the only way you time. However our cars now are a bit different.

"What a race for Charles leclerc!" The commentators said throughout the race. He is indeed pretty good, leaving from position 2 into three.. So stupid!

Max and Charles where fighting on grid like babies as they overtook each other again and again, I think the system had crashes with the instant differences between their battles. That were In fact the hottest battle in the track which was insane since I deserve the title.

However in lap 30 I win fastest lap because of my fast turn status. Lewis Hamilton was now few seconds ahead of me and it was a DRS zone so everyknes attention was on us.

The DRS opened and everybody waited to see if I failed or succeeded in passing him and I did. I passed him successfully and gained position 4.

The feelings were undescribable at that moment but I seriously needed a pit stop, most of the drivers gave a visite the pit lane and after I took approval of the chief I entered pit too.

2 seconds and here I go back to the race ahead of Lewis gladly with a long gap as he went to out too.

I was glad actually because now the battle was between me max and Charles. Those two idiots were no problem since everyone will be focused on their battle and they will too, they won't even suspect me come from behind.

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