Chapter 61

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After that few days away, the two finally met with Baoshan to train. They were to be gone for some time before heading to Cloud Recesses and they sent a message ahead of time to let them know. As promised, Baoshan was to help them train to become immortal. There are some lessons she'd like to teach them first.

"What do you think of when you hear the word, immortal?" Baoshan asked.

"Eternal life," Wuxian replied unconsciously.

Baoshan nodded, "there disadvantages to this as there are advantages. The disadvantages would consist of, though you cannot die, that doesn't mean you are immune to injury or sickness. It's just harder to get sick but injuries are still possible. It doesn't mean you are invincible. It is also known as eternal life because you live longer than most. Maybe even outliving your family members. The advantage is that you two are soul bonds and will be immortal together. Meaning you will always have each other. You will have eternal life and eternal love."

Wuxian blushed, "I actually have to ask a couple questions?"

"Go ahead," Baoshan said.

"First, being soul-bonds, does that grow over time?" Wuxian asked.

"It does," Baoshan answered, "the more you dual cultivate, the more you two connect in ways others cannot. You can sense each other's pain and discomfort, hear each other's thoughts, and much more. It is something you both are to explore as you live together."

Wuxian nodded, "okay," he said, "another is, does this affect me for conceiving children? Especially right now as we are yet to determine if I am currently pregnant. Will that affect the training? And will it pass on to the child? Also, how is it I have this ability?"

"It falls in the Sanren family history. A long time ago, the rabbit god blessed a couple to have a child. Tu Er Shen is a deity to manage the love and sex between homosexual men. It was around the time same sex marriage was still in question but many still did it because they believed that love is love no matter what. When it comes to the rabbit god, he symbolizes same sex couples and represents them. It was several centuries ago when this happened but since then, any man who is fated to with another male they are born with the ability to conceive. Tu Er Shen and the Chinese god of fate, Siming, work together on this issue," Baoshan explained.

Wuxian nodded as he understood, "alright, but does that affect me in gaining immortality?"

"No, and it will pass on to your children, the gene if the male child is fated to be with a male, will have that ability. As for immortality on the child, once they reach twenty-five, they will gain immortality. They can reach it sooner if they are advanced enough in their cultivation. It should not affect you if you are pregnant. Since it may be too soon to tell, I do have a way if checking vitals may not be working just yet if you want to try. It's more accurate and I've learned this technique a while ago."

"What would I have to do?" Wuxian asked.

"I would just need a drop of your blood on this talisman," Baoshan replied as she held it out.

Wuxian nodded and bit down on his finger to get some blood and brushed it on the talisman. After, Wangji took Wuxian's hand and stuck his finger in his mouth to stop the bleeding. Wuxian blushed at the action. It also turned him on slightly but he had to calm himself down. Now wasn't the time to get aroused.

The two then watched Baoshan as she activated the talisman and it turned green, "what does green mean?" Wuxian asked.

"It's positive," she replied with a smile, "and green indicates it's a boy. If it was red it would have been negative. If it was a girl it would turn blue. If it was yellow, it would have more than one and so on orange indicates boys purple indicates girls, and white means both. So far it's just one."

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