Chapter 27

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Lan Xichen returned to the Hanshi shortly after the meeting was over with Wangji and Wuxian. Lan Xichen could understand Wuxian as he was just scared to lose anything else. Xichen could tell that Wuxian was tired of moving from place to place and not knowing if he could call that place home. If Wuxian was still feeling unwelcome in Cloud Recesses, then it was their job to help Wuxian feel welcome.

Shortly after returning to his house, Jingyi returned too. Since he came to this timeline, Jingyi has been staying with Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen honestly did not mind as he found the boy to be very friendly and he enjoyed his company. Though, at the moment, Jingyi looked a little pale.

"Are you okay?" Xichen asked as he sat down at the table and started boiling water for tea.

"I guess," Jingyi said and sat across from Xichen, "I just managed to get away from Jin Ling and Sizhui who are currently sucking faces as we speak. I thought they'd start stripping before I left the room."

Xichen chuckled, "I see," he said, "I take it you don't have a partner?"

"Not really," Jingyi said.

"Do you have an interest in someone?" Xichen asked.

"Sort of, but they are in another clan and they are an only child. We have been wanting to try to be together but we are not sure if it will work out. Currently, I am next in line for Sect Leader unless one of Wei Wuxian's and Hanguang Jun's girls are to take over. So it's hard to say," Jingyi explained.

"What clan? Is it a he, or a she?" Xichen asked, "have you talked to...future me about this?"

Jingyi shook his head, "I am afraid to. I do not know why but I just am. And they are from the Baling Ouyang Clan. It is a he."

Xichen smiled, "Ouyang," he said, "how did you manage to meet someone from Ouyang?"

"I met them around the time Wei Qianbei returned from the dead. There was still the aftermath of his past that was happening and many sects and small clans were meeting all the time to discuss what was happening. I met him during one of those meetings. It was around the time when Wei Qianbei's name was cleared by the time I started to understand my feelings for this person," Jingyi explained.

"If you can tell me this now, I am sure you can tell me this in your current timeline," Xichen said, "if you like him, then be with him...unless there is more than just one issue."

"His father wants him to marry a woman so he can continue the family line. He lost his mother when he was young so it has just been him and his we are just having to deal with this," Jingyi replied.

"Can I at least know this person's name?"

"Ouyang Zizhen," Jingyi answered.

"Zizhen," Xichen said calmly, "I think you should speak to future me about this. I am sure you two can come up with something that will help."

"Alright," Jingyi said with a nod, "speaking of, I heard Wei Qianbei has been found. How is he?"

"Scared," Xichen answered, "he just fears losing this home."

Jingyi blinks a couple times, "he is like that in my current timeline too. He is married and has kids now but he still fears that he will lose it all. Hanguang Jun has always tried to reassure him otherwise."

"So it is not just this Wei Wuxian," Xichen said.

"No...Sizhui told me that he and Hanguang Jun were hoping that fear would ease up over time, especially now that they have three kids and another on the way," Jingyi explained, "but the future Wei Qianbei has already lost a lot so his fears were justified. This Wei Qianbei seems to be the same but he isn't married yet."

"He will come around...and three kids, really?" Xichen questioned.

"Yes," Jingyi replied, "Hanguang Jun and Wei Qianbei love each other and it is clearly obvious. They are constantly together. There are times where disciples are nervous about going to the Jingshi to get Hanguang Jun or Wei Qianbei as they aren't sure if the two know."

"They have it that bad for each other, huh?" Xichen asked.

"Worse," Jingyi replied, "but, since being married to Hanguang Jun, he has not caused any mischief as many people would expect him to."

"Sometimes the older a person is, the maturity of them will also change," Xichen said.

Jingyi nodded then grinned, "so do you have anyone who you fancy?"

"Excuse me?" Xichen asked.

"Even in my current timeline you are still single. Is there really no one you like?" Jingyi asked.

Xichen sighed, "you have been spending too much time with Wuxian," he mumbled.

"No...even Hanguang Jun is curious as to why you are single. Sizhui told me that he heard his parents talking, Wei Qianbei said that he thought you'd marry before Hanguang Jun did," Jingyi said.

"And that, my son, had landed you into writing the rules five times for spreading gossip," Xichen said.

"What?! But I am not from this timeline," Jingyi argued.

"No, but you are a Lan and currently in this timeline, which means you still have to follow the rules here. And as a Lan, you should know them all by heart," Xichen said, "and I will be asking Sizhui for all four thousand rules from your timeline as that will be the rules that you will be writing."

Jingyi grumbled as he moved over to his personal desk that Xichen had set for him a while back and started writing. Xichen pulled a smug grin as he got back at the boy for teasing him, "the future you wouldn't make me write for teasing you," Jingyi mumbled.

"I am sorry, I didn't catch that," Xichen said.

"Nothing," Jingyi replied.

"Good, otherwise I'd have you write an extra time for talking back," Xichen told him.

Jingyi's mouth dropped open, "dang," he said to himself, "A'Die isn't messing around in this timeline."

Xichen chuckled at what he heard Jingyi mutter. It was nice to have a little bit of fun with his adopted son.

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