Chapter 58

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Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian left for their journey with no destination in mind. They traveled west bypassing Yunmeng and ended up in Yiling. There was a beautiful forested area near the town that was known for having good game for night hunters. The two steered clear of the burial mounds as it came to find out that Wuxian was sensitive towards resentment. He didn't need to use it in this lifetime but he still felt sensitive in its presence.

The two came across a nice little cabin and met with the own at an inn in town. He said he has it up for rent anyone who is staying for a while. He offered Wuxian and Wangji residence for the week and he was paid in advance. He was actually paid more than he originally asked because Wangji felt the two may stay longer than a week if they so choose. The own said he would extend their stay as well so they just had to notify him.

Once settled into the little cabin, Wangji and Wuxian set privacy talismans all over the walls. They would remain there for the duration of their stay as they didn't really know how far away their closest neighbor was and didn't want to disturb them with their lewd noises. Wuxian and Wangji would be going through throes of passion for the entirety of their stay, every morning and night or any time of the day they felt they couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

It was only three days into their stay when they entered a trail near the cabin. They found small game but soon came across a creature that was responsible for Wuxian's parents' deaths. It was an Aoyin. It was not the one that killed Wuxian's parents as that one was killed but this one was alive. Wangji and Wuxian were now thinking of a way to either fight it or get away from it.

Aoyin were a type of monster from that was commonly said to resemble large and terrible ox with a predatory in nature (in sharp contrast to normal ox, who are herbivores), having an especial fondness for devouring humans and was believed to reside largely in mountainous regions. Since Yiling has mountainous areas, it made sense for the creature to be here.

"We may have to fight it," Wuxian said, "if we run, it will chase. It's prey is humans and it may not be alone."

"We can fight it, we are stronger together," Wangji said, "Remember Chenqing?"

Wuxian looked at him for a moment and smiled as he retrieved his precious black bamboo companion, "You learned those scores on WangJi (his guqin) right?"

"I have," Wangji said as he summoned WangJi.

The two stood their ground and began to play. As they played, the score they picked was playing an illusion in the Aoyin's mind and it would cause it to get confused. As it was in a confused state, its energy would be slowly draining which would make it difficult to fight. Once the Aoyin was weak enough, Wangji and Wuxian put away Chenqing and WangJi and summoned Bichen and Suibian. Together they attacked it head on.

As they killed the Aoyin, they did not know they were being watched and studied by someone. It was a test so to speak, and it was a test by someone who was highly impressed with their teamwork and dedication. That person come to view once the Aoyin was dead, causing Wuxian and Wangji to be cautious of them but they did not find any dangerous intentions coming from them.

"Who are you?" Wuxian asked.

This person was a woman, dressed in black robes with white embroidery and under robes. Her hair was silver and was tied up into a neat bun with a silky red ribbon holding it in place. This woman had blue eyes like the sky on a beautiful summer's day. Her aura radiated from her and she felt strong, so even if Wangji and Wuxian could fight her, they'd most likely lose.

"I would like to ask you that same question?" the woman asked, "You are very close to my territory, and you killed one of my beasts who guarded my home."

"We apologize for doing so, we didn't know that this area was occupied by someone, nor did this beast belong to anyone. It was either kill or be husband and I are here on a night-hunt for our honeymoon as we just recently wedded," Wuxian explained, "can we compensate you in some way?"

"You can start by telling me your names," The woman said, "And maybe I will tell you mine."

"My name is Lan Zhan, courtesy, Lan Wangji, also known as Hanguang Jun, from the GusuLan Sect," Wangji introduced.

"I am Wei Ying, Courtesy Wei Wuxian, also known as Jingshen Laozu, and I am also from the GusuLan Sect."

The woman looked at Wuxian with wide eyes and stepped forward a bit, "Wei?" She questioned.

"Yes," Wuxian said confused, "Do you know me?"

"Not you personally but I knew your parents...your mother specifically...she was my daughter...I have been hoping one day that I would see you," the Woman said, "I hope you can forgive me for not seeking you out, I just know that you and I would have met someday."

"You are...Baoshan?" Wuxian asked surprised, "It is a pleasure to meet you...and again, we are sorry for the beast."

"You are forgiven child," Baoshan said and looked at Wangji, "you said you two just wed?"

"Yes, this is our third day here so it would have been four days ago," Wuxian explained.

"Would you two like to spend some time with me at my Mountain?" Baoshan questioned.

"Are you sure?" Wuxian asked.

"Of course," Baoshan said, "We have a lot to catch up on and I'd love to gift you and your husband something as a wedding gift."

Wuxian looked at Wangji. Wangji nodded and then Wuxian looked back at Baoshan, "We would love to spend some time with you. We only planned a week away but we can always send a message home."

"Perfect," Baoshan said, "do you need to collect anything?"

"No actually, all of our things are packed up in these rings I created," Wuxian showed her the dimensional rings, "similar to a Qiankun pouch but these rings have unlimited storage."

"I have a smart grandson," She said.

Wuxian blushed, "there is a lot we have to share with you," Wuxian said, "...but I must warn you, I may be pregnant. I am not sure yet."

"We can find out back home," Baoshan said, "come, and we can catch up once we get back. And as for the Aoyin, no need to worry, there are others near here."

"Did you know that an Aoyin was responsible for my parents' deaths?" Wuxian asked calmly, "Jiang Fengmian told me he was there when it happened and he witnessed it. It took him up until recently to tell me."

"I had no idea," Baoshan said, "as for Fengmian, it wouldn't surprise me if he kept his mouth such over something like that. That man is a coward."

"Tell me about it," Wangji mumbled.

Wuxian giggled, "We have a lot to share."

"And I look forward to hearing all about it," Baoshan said.

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