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"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man." Ozpin said to Glynda, "But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore." 

A chirping beep interrupted their conversation, drawing Ozpin's attention to the holographic message flashing "Access Requested" on his desk. "Come in," he responded.

The office doors slid open, revealing General Ironwood on the other side.

"Ozpin!" Ironwood greeted warmly, stepping into the room.

Ozpin straightened, assuming a more formal stance.

"Hello, General."

"Please, drop the formalities." The two approached each other and shook hands, followed by Glynda, who also extended her hand in greeting. "It's been too long. And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met."

"Oh, James." Glynda gave a personable wave before excusing herself. "I'll be outside."

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit," Ironwood commented, a hint of fondness in his voice.

"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" He picks up a mug and a kettle, pouring as he speaks, "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students, for the Vytal Festival."

"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year." Ironwood produces a canteen from his inside coat pocket and pours its contents into his mug, "Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up."

Ozpin just took a sip from his mug, "I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned."

"Well, concern is what brought them here."

" I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult."

Ironwood sighs, "Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men."

Taking a sip, Ozpin sets down his mug after, "We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression."

"But if what Qrow said is true..."

"If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent."

"I'm just being cautious."

"As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can." Ozpin sat back.

"Besides, I place all my faith also into the strongest asset we have, you know who.." 

Ironwood raises an eyebrow, "..Y/N L/N, is it? Adopted son of the Schnees. I heard of his feats but Ozpin, do you really think he could defeat her? Let alone her supposed pawns?"

"His Six Eyes and his Technique is more powerful than you think, James. I know you haven't seen it for yourself but I assure you, Mr. L/N is capable."

"I'll take your word for it then.." Ironwood nodded, "..But for now, my entire faith rests on the Atlas Military and Atlas' Best Huntsmen and Huntresses rather than a single boy." 

Ironwood stood up and turned to walk to the door, "But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your children can win a war?"

The general continued on to the exit.

"..I hope they never have to."

Limitless (RWBY x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora