Ice Cream with the Ice Queen

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"Hmph! I've been looking everywhere for you." She stomps towards Y/N, her high heels clacking across the pavement.

She stops right in front of him and rest her hands on her hips "You just left straight away after class." She sighs "What am I gonna do with you, dolt?"

"I was just strolling around, ice queen. Don't get so haughty." the snow white haired boy said, adjusting his sunglasses

"Hmph, well do you know how long I spent looking for you? You should be thanking me for coming out in this heat in my high heels, looking for you."

"And don't call me 'ice queen,' it's rude." Weiss scolded, her arms now crossing

"Well, you are one, aren't you?" Y/N said with a small snicker

"Well, maybe I wouldn't be so grouchy if I wasn't stuck looking for the most boring and irritating person I knew. Don't you have something better to do on a weekday?"

She huffed, brushing her bangs out of her eyes, the light reflecting off of them and her bright blue eyes.

"My feet are hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable now. You know what I could do without? You." the heiress glares

"Aw, don't be cold-..You know you can't stand being minutes away from me." Y/N teases

"Psh, shut up, dolt.." She scoffed when he said "cold," rolling her eyes, but started blushing when he said she couldn't stand being away from him.

"Anyways, I decided to be considerate and buy you this."

"Ice Cream for the Ice Queen." Y/N said and extended ice cream, the flavor being cookies and cream

"Hmph, how... dare..... you...!" Her blush grew darker as she looked up to see what he was offering her.

With her arms still crossed, she took the ice cream and took a bite. Despite her words earlier, she did enjoy the ice cream.

The heiress grumbled and looked away from Y/N "Th-this doesn't mean I'm grateful, okay?"

"Aw don't go being a tsundere now." Y/N laughs, walking past her

"Oh, whatever."

She rolled her eyes and kept eating her ice cream. She was definitely embarrassed at how hard she was trying to be upset, but her inner voice kept telling her to shut up. She kept eating her ice cream and just walked alongside him.

"Anyways, the Vytal Festival is almost here right? There's gonna be tournaments and all that gig and stuff.."

A look of interest comes across her face when the subject is changed

"Yeah, I know that the tournaments in the Vytal Festival are going to be bigger than ever. All four kingdoms are competing, which means there's just going to be more people, better tournaments, and probably some really talented fighters. It's going to be the biggest one in a long time."

"Right. Eh, all I'm wondering is that if that Old Geezer will come and watch."

"Do you mean..?" Weiss caught on and she rolls her eyes at the mention of their father "Well, I'm sure he would because his precious daughter has made it to the tournament. He would definitely want to see all of his hard work, excuse me, "his daughter's hard work."

She sarcastically says before shaking her head "I really hope I don't have to see my father there. But I'm sure he hopes he doesn't see you."

Y/N snickers at this "I could tell. Man, and I was just thinking on how to screw with him. Eh whatever, if he comes, its probably all to look good. All he cares about anyway."

"That's all he's ever cared about! He doesn't care how we feel! He's never been there for us. He only looks out for himself, his image, and the Schnee Company."

She scoffs "I'm sure he'd come. The Festival is a good chance to further his image."

"Yeah but hey, best case is that he's just busy handling the White Fang Issue and he doesn't come. And who knows, he's probably going to drag Winter along with him too."

"Eh, she's in the Military and with Ironwood. Probably busy also, but best case scenario is that she watches instead of him." Y/N shrugs

"Well, if she's in the military, maybe she won't come. As much as I'd love to see Winter again, that's probably the ideal situation. So I guess I'll just have to deal with my father showing up."

She looks up at Y/N and rolls her eyes "He's quite a hassle."

"Yeah he is but not like he could do anything to me anyway. I'm untouchable, literally and figuratively." the white haired male said confidently "Besides, what does he expect to happen when he tries to assert dominance over me?" Y/N said with a scoff and a slightly amused chuckle

Ever since Y/N's adoption into the Family, Jacques always had one goal in the Schnee Mansion. And that was to make sure Y/N would know his place, following him, fearing him, obeying him. The way Jacques made sure to happen was trying to put up a dominant facade in every conversation he had with Y/N, putting up a stern man who believed he could do anything, even going so far to say verbal assaults..

..But, Y/N was Y/N.

He was aware of his strength, he was aware of what he could do. Every time Jacques tried to get one up over him, he was only amused by his attempts. The fact Jacques always thought he had chains and control over Y/N him was laughable.

"..It's like he expect me to look down and act all angsty and edgy.." Y/N shrugs "..I ain't gonna act like one of the most generic Abused Male Reader Protagonists seen in Wattpad." He cackled

"..Wattpad? You actually read fanfictions on that website?" Weiss raises an eyebrow

"Hm? No, I just caught Ruby reading one.."


"Anyways, we got some free time right now. Wanna keep strolling around? Or are you gonna be boring and suggest we go back to Beacon to train and study like...diligent students." Y/N snickers

Weiss rolls her eyes "No, I won't. Fine, for once I won't suggest that."

The heiress looks around before her eyes stumbled upon an arcade "..An Arcade! Let's go to it instead. Perhaps I could beat you this time, hm?" She smirks

"I'd like to see you attempt it."

"You're on. If I win, buy me more Ice Cream."

Y/N snickered, adjusting his tea shades sunglasses "Alright fine. You're on then."


A/N: Just some filler here, next chapter  will (probably) won't be and don't worry, This book isn't abandoned. My upload schedule just sucks and timing also

And because you all really want to see Y/N just solo'ing everything

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