Before this night gets over, I promise myself she will be safe. Everyone who is here will be. 

"Did they give you anything to eat?" I whispered carefully, my face leaning down to avoid the shot of me speaking. 

She shook her head. They are starving a fucking 8-year-old. A freaking kid. 

My heart criticized me for leading her back to her cage and putting her under lock, but I can't risk outing myself, or else our plan will fail, and Queen will kill me herself. The fact that if my death comes from her, I will gladly accept it as peace. 

Giving a last glance to the petite girl, I made my way where I was initially standing. 

As the time passed, my gaze keeps returning to my watch, waiting for the timer to go off. Soon, it did, adrenaline consuming my insides. 

The door to the room burst open, and a frantic Luigi Giordano ran inside. I wonder, where his eldest brother is? The middle one is useless, all he knows is how to drink and gamble or flirt. Man after so much flirting never gets laid, or the reason might be something else, who knows? Certainly not me.

"Empty this place right the fuck now. GET THE TRUCKS READY! I will kill whoever tipped my asshole of a brother. Now, we have AISE [Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna ; External Intelligence and Security Agency of Italy, similar to FBI or CIA] ready to raid us as per our intel." 

Luigi has a big mouth, he rambles the information which we have to pay a lot for, for free. If it were not him, we would have never known about him and his elder brother being half-brothers. Another thing to mention, his father kept his family secrets in a cage only they knew where the key was, but Luigi can't shut up. For the eldest Giordano, his father and brothers, all were abomination. He detests the existence of his family. 

That's why, the only aim of his life is to ruin whatever his family takes pride in, especially his father. Aldo Giordano's hate for his father runs so deep, especially after he came across the secrets his father tried to keep hidden. The mysterious death of his mother. 

After the big revelation, he found out his mother did not die in sleep. His father was a cheating and abusive wrench, who tormented his mother. The only person he loved so dearly was murdered by the person he despises, of course there will bloom a tale of revenge and vengeance in his heart. 

Now, Aldo works as one of the best AISE agent and his cases mostly circles around the Giordano business, and he aims to erase the sex-trafficking rings and the mafia cartel.

My eyes found the guard from earlier, only to see him manhandling the same kid from earlier. I will make sure he regrets even laying his hands on the girl. It is only for a little longer, then everyone will be safe. Except that guard, and for now, Luigi. 

While everyone was rushing and leaving, their attention was not on the trucks or the cargo inside them, making it perfect for me to slip inside where all the victims were.

I put a finger on my mouth, signaling them to not make a sound. 

"Block my view." I whispered, earning a suspicious and worried look from them. Yet, they did what I had asked them. 

Soon, the sound of shutter closing made me sigh. The two men who were covering me began to shift, the trail of my stare noticing how badly bruised their skin was.

Proceeding to deter my attention, I picked out the transparent device from my pocket before wearing it on my ear. Clicking on it, the device began to work.

"Everything is going as per the plan, Queen. Everything is up to you now." 

Vanessa's POV:

"We are also ready. Everyone, if any hindrance surfaces, our main priority is saving the target and completing our mission. Also, I want all of you back alive, it is a fucking order." 

A chorus of "Yes Ma'am" rings through the earpiece. 

"Snipers?" I checked.

"Positioned." Emma replied, leading a group of 6 snipers.

"IT cell?" 

"Ready, boss." Damien, and the 3 others reply. 


Lastly, three groups each consisting of 8 armed men and women, replied. 


"10 minutes, and we will be attacking."


A/N:- Did you like the chapter?

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Take care ❤️



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