Episode 28: Hello Family Wilson

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Gina's pov:

"I'm sorry babe, but... I got kicked out. Both from my own home and from my band" sobbed Tj.

My eyes widened, I was completely shocked. "What?! That's not fair at all! Who is he to decide who can or cannot be in the band?!"

He sniffed and replied "he has all power and control  over the band. It was him who talked to the music producer to give us an audition. Now that we're big, people also recognize him more and compliment him over how well he has raised all three of us. He doesn't want the good parenting image to fade away, that's why he kicked me out."

I hugged him again and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry you had to go through that sweetheart. You don't deserve any of this."

Tj hugged me back and asked "where are we supposed to go now? We have nowhere to go."

 I thought for a second, and got an idea. I stopped hugging him and look deep into his eyes. "Babe, don't get all crazy right now, but what if we stayed at Sebastian's house until we find a place to stay?"

Tj immediately backed away from me as if I had a flu. "We are NEVER doing that, ya hear me? I'll book us a hotel to stay in."

 "But babe, we have to save money. You kind of just got fired from your job and I don't work." 

 "Gina, I said no. And theres nothing you can do to make me agree with you."

Even after all his rejections, we were yet standing outside Sebastian's porch steps waiting for him to open the door. Tj had his arms crossed while having a grumpy face. "You're lucky I love you this much." 

I rolled my eyes and said "stop being grumpy and think about our child for a sec."

Sebastian opened the door soon after and looked at us surprised. "Hey Gina, is everything okay?" He looked behind us and saw the suitcase. "What's with the suitcase? are you going somwhere?"

Tj rolled his eyes and replied "we are apparently going to stay at your house." Sebastian widened his eyes. "What?! I can't recall having this conversation before!"

 I quickly tried to calm him down and told him the whole story.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?! TJ YOU ARE SO DEAD." He started walking towards Tj as if he was about to attack him, but I quickly came between them and calmed him down. Tj started shouting at him, but I then told him to shut up. "Sebastian please focus, we have no place to go, we need help."

He let out a sigh "of course you can stay sweetheart, stay as long as you want. But I'm worried about your future, you're just 17, this shouldn't have happened right now. And your man over there" he pointed at Tj "hes not reliable. What if he leaves you!?"

Tj got furious and shouted "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT ME?! I LOST MY DAMN CARREER AND GOT KICKED OUT OF MY OWN HOME FOR GINA'S SAKE!" I rubbed his shoulder to calm him down. Sebastian let out a surprised look and asked "really? You did all that for her sake?"

I forced a smiled and replied "yes Sebastian, it's true. That's why I love him so much, he does so much for me." I then hugged Tj. He hugged me back and rubbed my arm. He didn't look happy at all, but he still tried to force a smile.

Sebastian saw all the pain and struggle in our eyes. "Look, I'm sorry for my behavior. You guys are welcome to stay here as long as you want."

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