Episode 17: The Celebration

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Gina's pov:

I cupped his cheeks and replied "this is amazing! I'm so happy for you, my love".  "WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE THIS!" He shouted. "Yes sweetheart, we definitely should". His smile faded away, and looked concerned at me. "Babe, what's wrong?" I looked at him and tried to act dumb. "Nothing is wrong, what are you talking about?"But he wasn't buying what I said.

 "I know you, something is wrong. Talk to me". I let out a sigh and told him everything that had happened at the dinner. "Wow, that was really rude of her to say. And I can't believe you were right about her still having feelings for me". I looked up at him upset and asked "is it true that you would date her if I wouldn't have appeared in your life?"

His eyes widened, he cupped my cheeks and replied "no, not at all. Sweetheart I lost feelings for her a long time ago, so why would I date her again? You are the only one that I really love, and nothing can change that. I'll keep Emma on distance, the fact that she still likes me is making me uncomfortable. And I won't let her say anything mean to you ever again". 

He always made me feel better. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. He then said "hey, go and get yourself ready. Me and my brothers have gotten the school key and reserved the pool in our school to celebrate today's moment. I've invited some of my friends and I'd love for you to come as well". 

I quickly went upstairs to get ready and added  swimming costume under my clothes.  I then went to inform my parents where I was going, but they were already asleep and I didn't want to wake them up. So I left with Tj and we drove off to the schools swimming hall. When we had arrived, I got introduced to some of Tj and his brothers friends. I shook everyones hand and politely introduced myself. Some of the guys gave me a hug instead of shaking my hand, and I could feel Tj's overprotective personality entering him. But he somehow managed to control himself.

The hall was decorated with a disco ball hanging from the roof. The room was also decorated with ledlights that changed colors. We had reserved a CD player and played songs that had party vibes in it. We danced, we ate snacks, we jumped in the pool, we went crazy, we had fun. 

Hours had gotten by and people were slowly leaving the party one by one. When only me and Tj were left, we came up from the swimming pool and added our clothes back on over our swimming costumes. 

Everything was so relaxing and slow. The disco ball was spinning slower, the music was changed into a calmer one, and the ledlights had stopped changing. It was now only red light shining  across the entire room. I hugged Tj while we did tiny and slow dance movements. I closed my eyes and followed his small movements. 

"Babe" "mhm?" "I have to tell you something". "What is it, Tj?" He let out a sigh and said "I'm dropping out of college". I quickly opened my eyes and looked up towards him to create an eye contact". "I'll be really busy recording in songs for our album that will be released this year. Now that we've finally proved our dad that our music career is about to succeed, we don't need to go to college. This is my last year anyways, so it's not really a big deal. But don't worry, I'll be going there for another week. And after that, it's full focus on the album and on my  music career".

I hugged him tightly and said "I'll miss you a lot". He kissed my forehead and rested his cheek on my head. "Just because we won't be seeing each other at school, doesn't mean we will stop seeing each other daily". I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at his face. "I love you". He looked down at me with a smile and replied "I love you too".

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