Frieren the slayer of hearts.♡

Começar do início

(A/N: Did anyone understand that?)

"I'm tired" Y/n yawned

"I'm gonna go settle down at the inn okay" T/n said walking away


"We need him, I'm not risking my brain melting again & Y/n technique might only work for that snake poison but not other threats" Stark said

"He has a point" Y/n said lying down on the bed

"It's true we are at a disadvantage without a healer in our party"

"I'm thinking about it"

"What is there to think about" Stark said

"I smell Sake" Y/n said sitting up

"If you're not going to invite him I will" Stark said heading for the door

"I smell booze that way" Y/n said following Stark.


"Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling aren't this things too corrupt for a priest" Stark pointed out

"Loosen up a little" Y/n said with a grin taking a sit as one of the dudes handed him a bottle of beer

"I'd much rather prefer sake but booze is booze"

"I'm getting to now these people" The Swamp priest answered Stark

"I want you to Join our party" Stark said

"If you beat me, I'll join"

"Ohhhh, this just got a lot more interesting" Y/n grinned


"Ahhhhhh" Stark yelled

"Shhhh you're gonna attracts Fern's attention" Y/n tried to shush Stark   

"Easy for you to say, you didn't lose anything"  Stark whined

"What happened Stark-sama I heard you scream"

"Too late" Y/n sighed, After Fern found out what happened Y/n got scolded and had all his money he earned from gambling taken away.

"You're too too harsh Fern" Y/n whined while Fern puffed her cheeks upset at the white haired boy. Frieren went on to explain to whites about how she doesn't like him and how she'll get him to join their party by hook or crook and how he'll regret not going after his friend.

"I'm going to get Stark's belongings back" Fern walked away

"She's mad at us" Stark said as Y/n nodded


"Gambling is for low lives" Fern continued to scold Y/n and Stark in their room. Y/n was looking at Frieren so he got distracted.

Sosou no Frieren {Frieren X Male reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora