13 - Memories and Reality

Start from the beginning

"Nate's going to lose his mind," Olga mutters.

"What?" I snap. My cheeks flare. "I... He's not... We're not..."

She giggles and shrugs.

I scoff and roll my eyes. Olga doesn't know what she's talking about. Nate and I are just friends. He is dating doubles, for God's sake!

Muffled club music reaches us when the elevator dings on Nate's floor. And when his door opens, a powerful base beats in our chests. I start smiling immediately. This is a bachelor pad at its best.

A staircase spirals up to my right, and the enormous living room on my left side is overflowing with people. Beyond them, the city lights flicker behind glass sliding doors that open to a terrace. Nate has a fricking terrace!

I glide my hand on the leather couch and look back over my shoulder—but I've already lost Olga and Daniel in the crowd. I'll find them later.

Now, where can I get a drink?

I turn around and catch a pair of green eyes glancing at me across the room. I wave at Nate. He steps away from the two hot brunettes he's been talking to, and makes his way to me.

"I'm glad you made it!" he says, landing a kiss on my cheek. "Drinks?"

I grab his beer bottle and take a long, cold sip. He chuckles into his chest and chews his lower lip.

"Thanks," I yell over the music.

He pulls me closer to speak into my ear. "You look great."

I chuckle, landing a hand on his arm. Damn, he has muscles. Hard, defined ones. My eyes widen when my fingers glide over his bicep. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

He really isn't. In fact, he is smoking hot in his gray t-shirt and jeans. His hair is messy tonight, just the way I like it.

"Are those the nurses from Daniel's party?" I ask, eyeing the two girls who crane their necks, searching for Nate in the background.

He shuffles his hair and blushes. "Nope."

I hand back his beer bottle. "Why two girls? What's wrong with dating one?"

"There's nothing wrong with monogamy."

"Then why two? Is it a kink?" I step back to look at his face, then shake his arm playfully. "Come on, tell me."

He blushes and lets out a nervous chuckle. "Well... My libido is kind of high."

I start blinking rapidly, remembering the three used condoms in my bedroom on the night we had met. "Is this a fancy way of saying you're a sex addict?"

Nate chokes on his beer, laughing. "No! It's not a compulsion," he says, and looks around to make sure nobody else is listening. I move closer to him when he leans into my ear. "I just like going at it multiple times and enjoy doing it for long hours."

"Yeah, right. A form of exercise, then." I'm pretty sure he is a sex addict.

A shadow passes through his eyes and heats my skin. "More like a mutual energy exchange," he says. "I enjoy spending mine until I'm spent."

I stare at him, then burst out laughing—I don't know why. I like his honesty.

He shuffles his hair once again with a sweet glow in his eyes, then leans closer. "You hungry? There are sliders on the terrace."

I sip from his beer and follow him outside.

The city lights twinkle in the clear sky above the tall buildings. The view of Central Park from this high up is breathtaking. Smoke from a barbecue in the far corner crawls out of Nate's terrace and disappears into the night. A bunch of people are waiting with their plates while a chef tosses some patties on the buns. I lean on the glass edge and close my eyes, enjoying the mixed smell of the humid city, char, and my own floral perfume.

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