27. New Friends

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Shane’s POV

Had I been too harsh? Should I have at least let him pour out whatever was in his heart before he left? Maybe let him give me his reason for making such a decision? What if I never got to see him again? What if my reaction made me lose him for good? Those were the thoughts that were constantly making rounds inside my head.

What I had told him that night had been uncalled for. I really should learn to control my anger and my words whenever I was upset. How on earth did he deal with me through all those years? I would have left my ass a long time ago if I was him but I wasn’t him and I could never understand his decisions to both to stay with my spoilt ass all those years and to leave.

Not once did I ever regret being with him, meeting him again had to be one of the best things that had happened to me. I simply wanted to hurt him so he could know the pain I was going through. It was foolish of me but no one ever said that adults were immune to foolish decisions, my dad was an example.

If I could go back in time I’d change nothing in the years Curtis and I had been together even if the outcome would be the same. Cliché, I know, but it’s the truth.

They say it’s better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all and I agree. Those were the best years of my life so far and if I got to live the rest of my life with just those memories, I wouldn’t miss out on much.

I knew my dad had something to do with his decision when I found out he was leaving and where he was going. I wanted to confront Curtis about it but I was mad at him the most. Did he really not trust me enough to just leave at the slightest inconvenience? Was our relationship just for show? I always thought that it was me and him against the world, wasn’t that what being in a relationship was all about?

Two days after Curtis had left the country, I confronted my dad about it and it led to a huge argument.

“You went behind my back and asked him to leave me,”

“And he did, he chose the golden ticket over you and that was the guy you claimed to love?”

“I know Curtis he wouldn’t make such a decision without a valid reason,”

“I offered him the same job I offered you with the condition that he ends it with you and he took it. You were never important to him in the first place. He was only with you because you’re a rich kid. It’s my money that had him being with you and it’s my money that made him leave,”

“You should be grateful to your father for what he did for you,” mom said

“Grateful? Grateful that he got involved in my life and ruined the best thing I ever had?”

“You still feel hurt that’s why you can’t see what’s best for you,”

“And what the fuck is good for me, mother?”

“Living your life free from that parasite, he was only leaching-

“Do not talk about Curtis that way because you don’t know him-

“He’s been living off you since you were in school-

“He may have been living with me but he wasn’t living off me. He worked his ass off while still studying, do you know how exhausting that must have been for him? I didn’t work and I barely got enough time to study on my own.

Did you know that he was the one that paid for a large percentage of the half he and I were to pay for the apartment we live in? He did that while still paying for his half of the bills and taking care of the expenses back home.

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