18. Between a rock and a hard place

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Shane’s POV

I stood outside the door questioning my decision to go over that late. I could use my keys to get in but what if he was with Fiona? Rumour had it that they were a thing and I’d seen them coming up together a few times. I leave the guy for two minutes and he’s already dating.

The door swung open and to my surprise he stood there topless, even more surprised to see me. I wanted to turn and leave but I couldn’t especially if he had company. I was going to cock block him.

“Aren’t you going to let me in?” I asked after we stood there silently for a few seconds. He definitely wasn’t expecting me and he looked guilty, “Do you have company? I could come back later,” I said to gauge his response.

“No, please, come in,” he said quickly stepping aside to let me in and I felt my heart do a little jig, “It’s still your room too,” he added. The bra and feminine top on his bed caught my attention not to mention he was topless. Was he already fucking her?

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I don’t want to be a cock block,” the sarcasm in my voice couldn’t have been any more obvious.

“Please stay,” he said in an almost pleading voice. I had missed him so much but it was still one sided. Had it not been for his company, I’d have gotten on my knees reminding him of what he’d been missing out on.

“I have pizza, drinks and snacks,” I said placing them on the table.

“Who was at the door?” Fiona asked coming from the bathroom, “Oh, shit,” she said covering her chest and went back to the bathroom. If she was comfortable enough to walk bare-chested around him, it meant that their relationship was serious and that the rumours were true.

“Hey Fiona, sorry for interrupting your evening,” I tried to hide the sarcasm. I wasn’t sorry about it. She should have been the one apologizing for coming between us. Curt handed her the clothes she’d left on the bed.

What was I turning into? She was innocent in all this. She probably didn’t know that she was a social experiment.

“It’s okay but I thought you moved out?” she sounded upset even though she tried to hide it.

“I’m still in the process of doing so,”

“Then what brings you by this late?” she didn’t just ask me that.

“It’s still my room,” was all I could say. If I was an asshole like Curt, I’d have told her that I had come to make amends with the coward standing between us and that I had missed him deeply and was willing to accept whatever he was willing to give me. I was willing to feed off scraps if that was all he had to give me. That was how desperate I had been after only two months of not being with him.

“I’ll walk you to your building,” Curtis told her, “Please stay, we need to talk. I won’t be long,” he told me before closing the door behind him.

Nothing had changed in the room. It was clean, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Curtis. My side of the room remained as empty as I’d left it. It was like he was still waiting for my return.

“Did you really go see Curtis?” Ryan texted.
“I plead fifth,” I replied

“That doesn’t work in our country,”

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