23. A Break 💔

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“Thank you for standing up for us,” I told Curtis as we lay in bed. He pulled me to him and held me tightly.

“You know for a guy in his late twenties, you still act like a brat, no wonder your parents were grilling us like that,”

“That’s not funny,” I said pushing myself from him but he held me tighter

“I’m not being funny. You have to learn how to read the room. Getting upset and defensive with a person doing the same will only blow things out of proportion. Your mom is a lawyer, she’s not someone who argues based on her emotions but today they were all over the place, it’s your job as her eldest son to understand her better,”

“I was only defensive because I was sure they would get in our way,”

“And they proved you wrong. Your parents aren’t that closed minded. They might not be for our relationship but they are for you always and I don’t think they’d like to see you sad regardless of the situation,”

“I’m just-

“Babe, sometimes you need to give others the benefit of the doubt,”

“Okay okay, I’ll try not to react to everything in my way and be as calm as you were when making my arguments,”

“Do you think they noticed how nervous I was when I talked to them?”

“Wait, you were nervous?” I asked looking at him,

“Couldn’t you tell by how tightly I held your hand? Even my teeth were sweating,”

“No fucking way. I didn’t notice because I was too busy squeezing your hand to keep myself from standing up and leaving,”

“You see, a brat,” he said laughing and I bit on his hand

“Don’t call me that,”

“Okay then, a big toddler,”

“Fuck you,” I tried to turn away from him but he tightened his hold.

“I’m proud of you,” he said.

“For what?”

“Standing your ground, defending our love in your own way, it gave me the strength I needed to do what I had to do,”

“I love you so much,” I said trying not to let my emotions get in the way.

“I love you too,” Twice in one day. Shit, not even my birthday felt that special.


Almost a week later, my dad called and told me he had something he wanted us to talk about. I didn’t think much about it since I assumed everything was okay. Before I got too busy with my career, he’d do so just for us to spend time together. We met at a restaurant because mom didn’t want to see me.

“I have a friend in Montreal who’s part of a well known hospital over there. He was happy to learn that you are now a licensed surgeon and he wants you to go work for them,”

“Curtis is also a licensed surgeon. He’s actually better than I am. He got first class honours just to remind you,”

“But he’s not my son, you are,”

“Is this another attempt to get your way?”

“I wouldn’t stoop that low. You made your choice and we all have to live with it. How your relationship ends is none of my business,”

“If all you’re going to do is speak against us then should we stop what we are doing right now?”

“I wanted to spend time with my son like we used to, is that so bad?”

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