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Shane's POV

Less than a week later, my dad called me over. I didn't think much about it since I assumed everything was okay. We met at a restaurant since mom didn't want to see me.

"I have a friend in Canada who runs a well known hospital over there. He was happy to learn that you are now a licensed surgeon and he wants you to go work for him,"

"Curtis is also a licensed surgeon. He's actually better than I am. He got first class honours just to remind you,"

"But Curtis isn't my son, is he?"

"Is this another attempt to separate us?"

"I wouldn't stoop that low. You made your choice and I respect that. How your relationship ends is none of my business,"

"Then no thank you. I already accepted a job just within the city,"

"You are throwing away a golden opportunity here son. Do you think he would do the same for you?"

"I don't know and I honestly don't care. All I know is I made the choice for me and not anyone else,"

"If that's your final answer then suit yourself. I'll let my friend know that you won't be joining him,"

A couple of days later, Curtis left the house around midday saying he was meeting his sister for lunch. I spent the afternoon with Ryan since it was his day off. When I went back home, Curtis had already come back and set up a romantic dinner for the both of us.

He'd made my favourite meal and after dinner, we did the dishes before soaked in the tab for almost half an hour. We made love, reminded each other of our dreams and aspiration before he let me fuck him. I should have found it suspicious but nothing about all that was strange. It wasn't out of character for Curtis to do all that. In fact, it would have been suspicious if I had done it.
When I woke up the following morning, he wasn't in bed. I found him in the living room staring out the window deep in thought.

"Good morning babe," I said wrapping my arms around him from behind. He got startled but gave me a kiss on the cheek before responding. "What has you deep in thought so early in the morning?"

"Just this and that,"

"Wanna share?"

"I think...I..." he took a deep breath. "I've been really thinking and I... I think... I think it's best that we should break up,"

"What? Is this a joke?" I didn't know why I asked that when his facial expression clearly indicated that he was not joking. "Did my parents put you up to this? What did they tell you? What did they say?"

"It's not because of them but I've been thinking about what your dad said. Love isn't enough, it never has been. We have other people we have to be accountable to and for and we can't be selfish just by thinking about our own happiness,"

"Then is it me? Did I do something wrong? Did I not put back your things how they are supposed to be? Is it because I bitched about doing laundry? You know I was joking about it,"

"It's not because of you or anything you've done. I just don't want us tolerating each other years down the line. What if we become those bitter couple that hate each other? I love you so much that it would kill me should my feelings change,"

"Are you fucking listening to what's coming out of your fucking mouth? You love me so much that's why you are breaking up with me? Which alternate universe does that make sense in? You stood up to my parents just the other day, you defended our relationship and now you want to break up with me?"

"It's for our own good and for the good of those we love,"

"Fuck you,"

"Please listen to me. Your mom took it hard and even refused to talk to you, I don't know how my sisters will react but I can tell you they won't be welcoming and as for my mom, she would die if she heard it. I don't want to be the cause of my mother's death Shane, can't you understand that?"

"We don't have to tell them,"

"We had no intentions of telling your parents but they found out, do you think they would keep it to themselves? And even if they could, it doesn't mean that my family won't find out in their own way,"

"Please babe, please think this through carefully. You are throwing away a perfectly healthy relationship based on a fear that might never happen. You are giving up on twelve good years of a life we've shared and built together. Does it mean that little to you? Do I mean that little to you?" I was crying. I was a grown man crying because my boyfriend was breaking up with me and I was begging him to reconsider his decision. It was a pathetic sight, so pathetic he couldn't even look me in the eyes but I didn't care.

"It was good while it lasted, don't you think?" I knew trying to convince Curtis to change his mind after he'd made a decision was futile but I still had to try or at least try and understand his decision.

He moved out that same day. I never knew pain until that day. Seeing him walk out without looking back to say goodbye was the most painful thing I had to endure. My heart felt like it was being torn into pieces while still inside me. It was physically painful and nothing Ryan or Timothy did or said made it better.

Days went by but it didn't get better as they had promised. Instead, the love I felt for him was making me bitter.

How could he just give up on us that easily? How could he not fight for us? Was it all just a show? Did he even love me as he claimed? If he did love me, he would have stuck it out with me. He would have trusted in me and the love I felt for him to know that it wouldn't falter regardless of the pressure and opposition we would face. He didn't love me. If he did love me, he wouldn't have ended it with me that easily.

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