Chapter 6: Refreshing Child, Pure Child

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I brushed into his personal space, as I was still mad at him for involving me in this. He didn't move at all, possibly not really caring or being too terrified to move; it's hard to tell with him.

"You looked to be good at making plans, so I thought you would do a better job than me assisting Kushida."

He slowly nodded in response, without hesitation in his voice. He really wanted to drag me into the whole Horikita Kikyo fiasco. I can be sure his reason for bringing me into this has to be a lie. There should be no reason for him to think I am good at devising plans unless he figured out what happened during the swimming lesson.

I backed off from him and let out a little smirk. Well, it's not like my plan of expelling Yamauchi was completely flawless. I intentionally made a few mistakes that day, and it seems he caught onto one of them. Now, all that leaves me wondering is why he chose to admit this to me when he could've kept it to himself. 

It makes sense with Koenji, as he wants to make sure that I don't mess with him in the future, or else he will take action. However, based on what I know of Ayanokoji so far, he shouldn't have the same reasoning as him. 

"Fine, I won't bite today. In fact, I need your assistance with a few things to help me succeed in my plan to befriend Horikita-chan."

"Very well then, since I already promised Kushida with my assistance, I'll lend a hand to you as well."

"Nishshi! That's the spirit!"

I pulled out my burner phone from my bag and opened my point balance app. I then sent a message to Ayanokoji along with 6,000 points.

"Did you send me something?"

"Wow, what good observation skills you have. You're absolutely correct!"

I really love to be sarcastic with this expressionless guy.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are mocking me right now?"

"Hmm, I don't know. You're probably imagining it. Anyway, to befriend Horikita-chan! We are going to have a book club picnic!"

I pumped my fists in excitement. However, Ayanokoji did not react similarly to my plan and instead raised his eyebrow out of confusion.

"A book club picnic?"

"Of course, since she absolutely despises being around Kikyo-chan, we need to put her in an environment where she can at least tolerate her presence."

"That makes sense, but why the picnic though? Couldn't we have just met up in the library if you wanted to engage in conversations about books?"

This is a reasonable question: if there is somewhere Horikita would visit on this campus, it would be the library.

"Yeah, we could there, but that's boring. If I am going to befriend Horikita-chan, I want to enjoy myself at least while doing so."

I continued to drink from my capped coffee as I started to walk towards the school building. Ayanokoji decided to walk right next to me.

"I see. Well, I guess it could potentially work. Now, how do you intend to invite Horikita?"

"That's the fun part. I put you on duty for inviting Horikita-chan and picking up the required books!"

Ayanokoji stared at me with an expression, trying to tell me something, but I just could not for the sake of it.


"You heard me. I also sent you the book I want you to pick up from the library after class today. So, if you could, pick up those books for me if you will."

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