Chapter Five

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When Robert woke up he was inside a jail cell, his head hurt like crazy, it was cold and wet.
His vision was blurry when he opened his eyes, everything looked like shadows and silence.
After an hour he was sitting up, checked the cell bars and looked out the window, he seen one patrol guard, military dressed, then another, he figured he wasn't far from the complex, wasn't far from the Odyssey boat.
His team was nowhere in sight.
Later that day a stranger came by and handed him a tray with food on it.
"Where am I"? asked Robert.
"Your safe in here" came the strange reply.
"The people I was with, where are they"?
"They didn't make it Robert" replied the guard.

Roberts memory was blank which was rare for him because he remembered everything, how could he not know what happened yesterday.
The food on the tray was meager and light. Robert knew he must be infected by now, he went from being around virus free people to strangers and god only knows what they were carrying.

"I mustn't have seen what happened" Robert told himself, no matter how much he tried he couldn't remember anything.
The only thing he could stay focused on was Michael, Zoe, Marion and Linus.

"Thankyou for the food" thanked Robert to the guard.
"This is all just safety precautions, it shouldn't be more than another day before Francis talks to you"
Robert nodded and went back to the bed and ate.

Zoe Lawson was sitting at her desk thinking about the loss of Robert and the team.
Over and over again she disliked that she supported Robert to leave Aperture, she thought about the progress ahead if she had just gotten him to stay.
She opened up the desk drawer and pulled out a small book, it was full of her personal thoughts and fears, she started to write...

sometimes I feel sad
at times I get mad
I know where to turn
I know what I'v learned to do
I run to you
I don't need to be scared
I know you will be there
You help me be strong
I feel I belong
I have nothing to fear

There came at knock at her door and Zoe put her small book away.
Marion was at the door "It's Robert, he's back" smiled Marion.

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