The Valentine's Day Festival

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Viktor opens up his eyes, then raises his head to realize that he's been unconscious from last night. He also knew that he's been on the floor throughout the whole night, and remembers what had happened.

Viktor faintly utters, "Wha...What just happened?! Am I dead?!"

Viktor is curious of thinking that he's dead, but then looks at himself in the mirror to confirmed that he's alive. He turns to the one side of his bed, and finds the medallion that he just recently brought laying on the floor.

Viktor remembers the woman that works at the gift shop told him that something evil would be unleashed if he performs anything reckless to the medallion, but didn't paid any attention to her warnings.

He then said to himself, "I did something last night, haven't I?!"

Followed by his question a voice suddenly sounded from his head, You should be aware of this, Viktor!

Viktor turns to the direction where the voice came from, but found no body there.

And as he's about to turn his focus onto doing something else, he caught a glimpse onto his mirror. He sees a figure standing next to him, the same figure from last night.

It said to him, "I have attached myself to your soul! And I am apart of you."

Viktor darts onto his mirror, and then realizes that he's the same being that he talked to last night, and sees that he's appearing to him from his consciousness.

Viktor jumped a little, and utters, "You!"

The being then answers, "It is I, Ciemna Materia! We spoke last night, done the ritual, and now you're my apprentice! My second in command! And a Prince of my kingdom! You told me everything what you have suffered, and I took pity on you by making a deal on helping you to get what you wanted; revenge! Am I wrong?"

Viktor then took a thought, and remembers everything that has happened, and did recalled on wanting revenge against Shinn, his former friend, and to those who wronged and belittles him.

He even realizes that he can see and hear him, even that no one's there those can't see who's with him. Viktor came to a conclusion that Ciemna Materia can communicate with him through his consciousness.

"So, you can talk to me in my conscious? And that I'm the only one can see you?"

The being then replies, "Correct!"

Viktor then felt his head throbbing, and felt a tiny sharp pains from his neck, his right leg, and to the left side of his hip. "Wha...What happened to me last night?!"

The being then answers to him, "I did tell you that you made a pact with me, Viktor! You wanted to get your revenge onto those that wronged you, am I right?!"

Viktor looks onto him, and extends his hand out towards his bed, and the bed sheets moved by themselves. And without any physical touch of himself, Viktor uses his new found powers to make his bed. He turns to his room's laundry dryer, and extends his hand out to get his clean laundry and folds his clothes, before sending them to their respective clothes sections.

While doing all this with the powers he's in possession, he also notices that he's feeling different, in a good way. He's no longer filled with depression, only to be replaced with a hungering desires of retribution. He's feeling less sense of guilt, and more guiltless. His feelings of self-hatred is then replaced with self-pity and self-worth. He even felt as if burdens of his worries has been lifted.

Awakening of Ciemna MateriaWhere stories live. Discover now