Reunion comes with Painful Truth

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It's been a year since moving into Lagrange 5, the year is Cosmic Era 76 and the twelfth day of February, and Viktor Markson is living at the apartment complex with its people who has welcomed him with open arms. Griffin and Charles revealed to been friends when they used to reside at Januarius City before the war erupts, and they both moved to settle in Lagrange 5 for almost eight years.

They shared to Viktor about that they lost their loved ones by the hands of Blue Cosmos and thought of joining ZAFT to fight against the evil people, but decided against it. They choose to remain civilians during the wars, and learned about one soldier of ZAFT killed civilians on one of the shuttles that entered the atmosphere of earth, causing them to agree what Viktor stated that both sides are guilty when it comes to war crimes.

Viktor was noted that the soldier of ZAFT is one of Griffin's friend named Yzak Joule, and learned of him being hot tempered and cold. But Yzak Joule changed his ways for the better. Although he never met him personally, Viktor became detested of Yzak, and not wanting anything to do with him despite of him being a changed person.

Even since he moved and resided in the Colony Lagrange 5, Viktor has been spending time with his new friends, and has been seeing Satomi sometimes often.

Viktor thought he'd see Agnes with Satomi, but it's revealed that she's serving with a military faction called COMPASS. Viktor told Satomi that he can't stand Agnes because of her arrogant demeanor, and stated, "I see that Coordinators are just as arrogant as the Naturals!"

Satomi points out that Agnes is not always that way, to which she texted her and said that if they meet again she wanted to apologize to him.

However, Viktor is uncertain of that happening, because he doesn't trust her on what she said, only to warn Satomi that if she does something not right there will be issues. To which Satomi assured him that there won't.

Viktor and Satomi spent their times reconnecting from their childhood days as young adults, developing a close bond. There were incident where one day at a local pool, Viktor protected Satomi from a guy same age as the two friends, as he tries to hit on Satomi.

Viktor saved Satomi from a guy that claims that he's just trying to be a gentleman to Satomi, but Viktor isn't having it as he knocked the guys lights out and is being recognized as a hero by bystanders, including Satomi.

Couple days before Christmas, Satomi started to develop a closer bond for Viktor. Unbeknownst to Viktor, Satomi started to see him as a love interest because of his kind and gentle ways.

However, Viktor has been starting to becoming more and more depressed with the memories of his father and mother. But he tries to hide his depressive moods, and to move on with his life in peace.

Viktor working at the apartment complex while he lives there. Although he just tries to keep paying for his living fees, but the landlord has been so kind to him that he paid a living fee for the first two months of staying, as Viktor realized that he's willing to help those around him in his work place.

While living there, Viktor tags along with Charles as he and Griffin gave him a tour around the city, and introducing some of their friends that are with the ZAFT military. Viktor starts to warm up to taking to ZAFT soldiers, and made friends of couple soldiers named David Alexus and Rubin Amherst.

Although Viktor is getting along with both Rubin and David. However, David's personality of being arrogant and impulsive made Viktor to become reclusive of being his friend, despite being kind and indecisive. On one hand, Rubin's personality of being benevolent and concerned.

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