The Medallion of Ciemność

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The next day, Viktor woke up and hops into the shower to clean himself up. Then after he dries himself up, he puts on a casual shirt and jeans.

As he got himself dressed up, he walks out of his room and to the kitchen as he prepares himself something to eat for breakfast. He puts in two eggs in a pan filled with water and two slices of bread into a toaster.

Viktor usually has been a fan of mornings when he feels in good spirits. However, he's feeling unhappy, consumed by depression and ongoing grieving process.

He sat on the chair of the dining room table, and reflects on yesterday incident involving Shinn Asuka, Lunamaria Hawke, and those around them.

Viktor remembers the whole scene of Shinn confesses that he's the one who piloted the machine that killed his father, and expresses guilt and remorse of what he has done. As the whole ordeal went on for almost quarter an hour, Viktor struggles to come to terms of how it all seems to be, and begrudgingly accepts Shinn's apology.

He remembers Shinn assuring him that he's not alone, and that he and their friends would be there for him whenever he needs them. However, Viktor refuses to accept Shinn's promises to him, thinking it's hopeless.

Viktor has thoughts of Shinn would betray him, and vows to himself that he'll keep himself away from Shinn.

Viktor remembers Lunamaria Hawke told him that she and her sister has a friend who's a therapist that's good on helping people going through depression, ongoing grieving process, and other negative emotions. Luna warns Viktor that if he doesn't get help soon, he'll experience suicidal thoughts.

Meyrin told him that their friend isn't far, and informs the therapist about the whole situation of Viktor. Viktor was told that he's schedule to meet up with her around the following following morning, and Viktor accepts the kindness of Shinn's friend to help him.

Viktor looks onto the clock, and it reads two minutes after nine fifteen in the morning. He remembers that he's scheduled to see the therapist around two in the afternoon.

As twenty five minutes went by, Viktor gets up from the chair and walks over to peel the eggshell of the two eggs, goes to the toaster to pull the two toasts and spreads the butter onto the toasts.

As he readies his breakfast, he turns to the coffee and pours a cup for himself, and pulls out a creamer to pour two spoons of the creamer into his coffee.

While eating his breakfast, Viktor took a thought of what Luna told him of warning him that he doesn't get help mentally, he's going to endure suicidal thoughts. He came to agreement with Luna's statement, thinking that it's best for him to get help.

Despite of accepting advice from Luna on getting help, Viktor resents Shinn for being the one who killed of his father. He thought of setting his boundaries to keep Shinn away from him, even he decides to keep Luna and Meyrin away from him because they're close to Shinn.

As he finish eating his breakfast, a knock on the door sounded from his apartment room. He walks over and looks I got he peephole. It's Shinn Asuka along with Lunamaria Hawke and her sister.

Shinn calls out to Viktor, "Hey Viktor! Are you up, buddy?"

Viktor choose to not give an answer, as he keeps the door locked, and then walks away. He then walks into his room to be kept alone.

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