Tiny Tales - Crushes

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"Haitham!!" Kaveh tugged on his friend's sleeves, pouting like a sad puppy. Alhaitham turned, annoyed, to look at Kaveh. They were both studying in the library of the Akademiya.

"Senior Kaveh, what is it now?" Even though Kaveh was two years older than him, he acted so immature. Kaveh would bombard him with the most stupidest questions that ever reached his ears.

"Just wondering, do you have a crush on anyone?" Alhaitham was baffled by the question. Still, he continued to gaze at his book. Kaveh poked him. "Don't ignore me, answer the question!"

Alhaitham replied sternly, "Of course not, idiot. Dreaming of girls will get me nowhere in life. Studying will. That's why you should continue reading and stop asking dumb questions."

Kaveh huffed and turned. "You are so mean and bossy. I suppose you are right about girls though. They act so weird. It's easier to design entire buildings than try to ponder what's going on in their minds." Kaveh turned to look at Alhaitham. "Haitham?"

Alhaitham groaned. "What is it now?"

Kaveh bit his lip and asked, "Promise we will be friends forever?"

Alhaitham stopped reading and turns to look at Kaveh, locking eyes with him. "Why are you worrying about such silly things?"

Kaveh reddened and said, "It's not silly! Someday, you might not be friends with me. In fact, some girl I know was crying today, because her best friend stopped talking to her. It was because her best friend's boyfriend told her not to. I don't want us to be like that. So I'm just making sure that you promise that we are always going to be friends, so if you ever have a girlfriend, she won't come in between us."

"If anyone told me to stop talking to you, girlfriend or other, I would  quit talking to them. Although you can be super annoying at times, we are friends, so I'm not going to leave you," Alhaitham commented.

Kaveh smiled. "Thanks, Haitham. Promise though?"

Alhaitham inhaled, and responded sarcastically, "I promise to tolerate your presence for the rest of my life. Are you satisfied now?"

Kaveh opened his mouth to argue, paused, and shrugged. "Eh, close enough." They then continued to study.

The Vulture and the Paradisaea (Alhaitham x Kaveh)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt