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Hi guys. I'm sorry for not updating for so long. After my trip to Canada, I couldn't get myself to even create a draft for the new story. The writing process was stressful, so I wanted to stay away from it as long as I could, especially after being diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Since I was having dark thoughts, I was afraid continuing to write would end up pushing me off the edge. I now go to  a therapist weekly, and have been getting a lot better. I'm not ready to start creating new chapters though. For now, I'll just be editing season 1 to be more descriptive and lore-accurate. I'll be removing all photos, because all artists need credit, but it takes too long for me to find the creators of the photos I use. Hopefully, if everything goes well, the first chapters of season 2 will be posted in a few months. Oh! P.S. the titles of the chapters and book are being changed. This story will now be referred to "The Vulture and the Paradisaea (Alhaitham x Kaveh)"

So, finished editing all the past chapters. Nothing much has changed, although Mehrak has been added to more scenes (we love you Mehrak) and I've improved the dynamic between the two goofy boys. If you see an error, feel free to correct me in the comments. I'll be working on season two for now.

The Vulture and the Paradisaea (Alhaitham x Kaveh)Where stories live. Discover now