Chapter 9: Returning A Town's Girls To Their Homes

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(Sumiko's point of view)
After beheading the last of my three opponents, I put my sword back into its sheath and turned to the teen girls whose lives had been saved by me over the course of a whole week. "Thank you so much for saving us from those three demons.", the teens said. "It's no problem. What I'm glad about is the fact I was able to get here half a day before they started going after you.", I replied. "Sumiko!", Mitsuri said and I turned towards her as she ran over. "Is there anyone else coming?", I asked. "Yes! Kanae, Shinobu and Kanao are on their way here with some other female demon slayers, so don't worry about how these girls will get home!", she responded. "Uh.", one of the teen girls said. "Oh, right! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji!", she replied. "Hello.", another of the teen girls said. "Mitsuri, I'm taking these three home. Stay here with the other girls until Kanae, Shinobu and Kanao arrive with the other demon slayers.", I said. "Of course, Sumiko!", she replied before I left with Kazumi, Satoko and Tokie to bring them back home with help from my siblings. "Say, Sumiko.", Kazumi asked me as he carefully lifted Tokie up just after she fell asleep due to feeling tired. "Yes, Kazumi?", I asked. "How long have you been a demon slayer for?", he asked. "I'd like to know that too.", Satoko said. "Two years and I became a pillar only a week and a half ago.", I replied. "Sis.", Rokuta said. "What is it, Rokuta?", I asked. "Your messenger crow is here and I don't know what he wants.", he replied. I looked over my shoulder to see Matsuemmon flying towards me and held out my fingers for him to land on. "Is he yours?", Satoko asked. "Yes.", I answered as he reached me.

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