Her uncertainty

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Where are we now?


Y/n nervously tapped her feet and she stood alongside with Jimin, ready for the door to open. She took a look around the place while tilting her head to the side, taking in the environment but everything came to a  halt as she heard the door open. Forcing a smile over her lips trying to look as genuine as possible, she looks at the person. Jimin's Mother.

A wide smile spread over her lips as she looked at Jimin with admiration in her eyes. The feeling of her son finally entering the house he grew up with a set back look, comforted her. Jimin smiled back at his mom, wrapping his hands around her, seeming to be in peace as he relaxed under the embrace of his mother.

But at the moment, Y/n stood there with a genuine smile on her lips as her heart raced over the longing feeling of grief as she tried to calm herself trying her best not to remember her mother. As the mother son duo separated from the silent hug that spoke thousands of affection, Jimin's mom looked over at her, judging her right away.

Slight frown could be seen in her face but it quickly faded as she quickly forced her smile. But her eyes gave all the thoughts she had, the uninviting thoughts.

"Come inside both of you."
Her voice could be heard as she stepped aside, giving space for both of them to enter. Jimin intertwined his hands with Y/n's as he slightly pulled her inside along with him. Her heart raced as she looked over at their hands in wonder but soon her thoughts answered their own question.

You need to act like we knew each other for years when you come across my parents

"How has married life been, Jimin?"

His mother asked with her head slightly tilted to the side, acting as if Y/n didn't exist right beside her son. Jimin gave a little nod as he continued to talk.

"It feels good to have someone to be called mine."

The words left effortlessly, as if he wasn't there pretending or lying over his own made up island but somewhere Y/n sat there thinking about the words. Mine as in his debt, mine as in someone he could drag down whenever he wanted.

"Where is dad and Jaemin?"
Jiminsaid looking around the house, trying to catch a glimpse of his dad and brother but soon his questions were answered.

"Your dad had a meeting to attend too and your brother will be here within an hour."
She said standing up from the sofa, finally looking over at the uncomfortable one.

"Y/n, come along. I need to show you around."
Jimin's mother said, turning her back towards them and walking forward. Y/n hesitantly looked at Jimin getting a strong glance from him. Her heart raced in a strong pace as she stood up following behind.


The silent stroll to the garden wasn't helping anything. Neither one of them spoke, nor the other one tried to interfere and enter someone's bubble.

"What job do you do?"
Jimin's mother spoke, a strong voice coming towards the younger one's ear as she looked at the other individual sitting at the beach in the middle of the garden filled with flowers.

Her hands laid over one another as she looked around trying to get a glimpse of anything other than the strong stare and judgemental look she was getting.

"I have started to work at Jimin's office as Mr. Jung Hoseok assistant."
She said, soon smiling at her mother in law. Her eyes scanned the older face for any emotions but a poker face answered everything with a nod.

"Why are you standing there, come sit beside me."
She said tapping the empty space beside her. Y/n hesitated at first but soon walked towards the empty space sitting beside her, with her hands resting on her lap as her fingers anxiously played with each other.

"How long have you known Jimin for?"

Her question raised a different kind of feeling inside her as she bit her lips. She didn't know how long Jimin had said and talked about the women he was lying about.

"Like for five years."
Her voice was a few octaves lower as she looked over at Jimin's mother with a smile trying to cover herself from the cold breeze of dishonesty.

"I didn't mean the lie my son has been knitting but the exact date?"
Chills ran through her body as she looked at Jimin's mom, her eyes widened as she parted her lips to speak a word but nothing came in her mind rather than blankness.

" I don't know what you mean by the lie."
She looked away awkwardly trying to sound as genuine as possible as trying to cover up, but the lie wasn't something that could be hidden.

"Oh please stop with the little bullshit of yours. I know the reason you married my son."
A disgusting glance was quickly thrown over at Y/n as she kept on speaking.

"My son is so naive, that a father and his innocent looking girl came and swept away his money just so they could extend the connection through the word as a debt."

She knew, she knew about the terms of their marriage.

"I didn't know gold digger was actually a thing, I thought it was just a negative point to look at women but after seeing you my thoughts have drastically changed."

She said standing up. Her words left deep wounds over the other one as she tried her best to suppress her tears within herself.

The unfamiliarity of the situation she was going through was absurd. The way she was being viewed over was undeniably hurtful, the situation she was walking forward seemed way more prickly than she had imagined. But she had no escape to it.

She was tied up in the bounds of the capital. The bounds of the need to suppress her feelings. 

"It's not -"
The words that were spilling out of her mouth in favour of her own self were soon cut down as the older woman spoke.

"I hope these talks stay between the two of us, I don't want my son to be involved in this matter. I don't want to burst the bubble of lies he had made for one year."

To be continued.
The lie Jimin was knitting seems to be torn apart, what do you think will happen next?

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