His work

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Weren't we suppose to last?

Jimin's eyes landed over the closed doors after she left

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Jimin's eyes landed over the closed doors after she left. He lightly shook his head, returning all his attention to his computer placed on the desk.

He didn't expect her to be that silent when all the rules were placed in front of her. He did think there would be arguments and taunts thrown at him for the fact that he wanted a girl to be his wife rather than the money, but at the end of the day, he was shocked. Maybe they really needed it, was the only thought he had over his head.

A few hours passed by as he sat in front of his table, looking over all the monthly expenditures the company had for the products that were left to be launched to observe the sales his company had.

Bangtan Associates was a company for aromas and smells. They had different product departments, some including perfumes, essential oils, aroma sticks, fresheners, and many others.

It was renowned all around the world for their exquisite designs, their products, and the quality they provided. The company had six other members, including him. Kim Namjoon is the chairperson. Kim Seokjin is the vice chairperson, and Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook are the shareholders and managing directors of the company.

All of them were assigned a specific role for the company, which all of them did with sincerity and certainty, resulting in the present outcome of the company. The most successful one out of all the other companies.

Min Yoongi was the head of the advertising department of the company and Quality Assurance/Quality Control; Jimin himself was the head of the financial department along with Operations and Production; Kim Taehyung was the head of marketing (digital included) and sales; and Jeon Jungkook was the head of information and technology along with supply chain and logistics. Jung Hoseok with the Department for Products Designs along with Human Resources.

All of them had hectic schedules up their sleeves, along with the chairpersons Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin, who took a look over the working status of the company as well as the departments such as legal, customer service and support, research and development, public relations, and strategic planning.

Jimin looked over all the day-to-day financial status along with operations and production happening within their factories. Even though he got tired from working on a day-to-day basis, for the sake of the betterment of his own company, he never thought of quitting.

He was looking over some files with all the production their company had made in all these years. He was disturbed by a sudden ding from his computer along with his phone, so he turned his attention towards it.

His eyes landed on the mail his soon-to-be wife had sent, including her certificates and portfolio. He quickly took a look at it, only to be impressed by her dedication to her studies and the works she had created. It soon gave him a soothing feel. The fear of her not being good enough to be provided the spot that other people are fighting for, which could result in the company's loss, had drifted away.

He gave a nod to his own racing heart, quickly forwarding the mail to Hoseok so he could view and give her the spot at the job, which was under his department, Product Designs. Soon, he will get back to his own work.

Even he didn't want things that were occurring in his life, from the wedding to being associated with a woman. But somehow he needed it to convince his own family.

He wasn't a saint, like he looked from his visuals, and maybe that worked him out from all the troubles he had with his family when it came to being with someone or married. A few months ago, he lied to his family that he had a girl for himself when he didn't, just to get their views over his relations away.

As said, one lie brought the ride of thousands more. He was asked to bring her in for dinner on all other occasions, but as said, his part of her story was all a lie, which only he was aware of. Soon, the lies got out of hand and became uncontrollable, only for him to meet Y/N's dad.

Viewing his family status with another required inspection before he gave out the money, he was provided with information that he had a daughter three years younger than him, which fixed everything that was eating him up. With the offer of getting married to her over the payment for his debt, everything sorts itself out.

Still, a constant fear stayed within him about how the girl was. He was lightly reassured as he met her today. Her looks were appreciable, along with her work, and maybe that was enough for him for the day. As the night fell upon the city, he stood up from his chair after a hectic day. He was getting ready to head back to the residence where he lived all alone.


Her eyes stayed on her laptop as she scribbled designs that were dancing around her head. But soon all her attention was dragged towards her room as she viewed every corner of it. Double bed with a huge painting she had drawn from her imagination over the wall, her wardrobe, and two doors, one directing towards her art studio and the other a bathroom.

A little tug was felt in her heart as she was reminded about the knot she was soon getting tied to. A bitter feeling of leaving the house, which has all her childhood memories, her mom's memories, and the fear of leaving her dad alone, stayed there. Her eyes soon got teary as she remembered Jimin's words, which he had said with a stern look.

Our marriage will be there until I get bored of you. You will have to leave whenever I ask you to, even if it is after a few years with the kids you birthed running around. You will leave everything behind and alone.

Her life was no longer decided; she could be under a roof with a family she made all alone just if he got bored. The fear of being in a marriage, which could end in any circumstances with just a word, was tugging at a new feeling in her anxious self. Her hands lightly trembled as she tried her best not to panic, thinking of the uncertain future of hers. Trying her best to turn her attention to the music playing over her earphones, she looked everywhere around, calming herself down soon.

She wasn't someone who was new to panic attacks anymore. She experienced it every now and then. But the intensity of the attacks grew when she saw her mom drifting away from her slowly. Both her parents were unaware of it from the start, and she kept it all that way, not wanting to come out as an unstable one, and maybe the worst-case scenario here was that she barely got any counseling or therapy despite the intensity.

But soon her attempt at trying to calm herself was disrupted by a notification ringing on her phone, dragging her attention away. Holding her phone in her hand, she looked at her phone to find mail from Bangtan Associates. Her eyes quickly grew from the mail, right at her eye level. She had a job—a prestigious one now.

But as she took a brief look, reading every word in the paragraph presented to her, she was lightly delighted over the salary she was getting for the spot she was placed on, but the bitterness stayed there as her mind brought her to the department of getting the spot due to her being associated with Jimin, but the mail wasn't from him; it was from someone named Jung Hoseok under the departing of designing, but her mind won the argument with her other side of the brain.

She did get the job because she was associated with Jimin. Only if she knew.

Her eyes blinked as she looked at the position, ignoring the fact that she got it. The spot was a relief. She was the assistant to the head of design.

To be continued.
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