Chapter 19

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"Haha, as I leave and breathe...Qrow Branwen" The scorpion faunus said "A true huntsmen has entered the fray"

Qrow lowered his sword, but not his guard. He looked at the man infront of him with anger and disgust. He was one of her minions no doubt. No problem. He'd dealt with many in the past, this one would be no different.

He turned to look at his niece, who with a shrug said "Idk, this guy is weird"

"Look pal, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone" Qrow stated

"Well friend my name is Tyrian, and I'm afraid that's not possible" The man introduced himself "My assignment from her grace was to retrieve this young girl. So... that is what I must do, one does not upset the queen" 

"Queen?" Ruby asked

"Salem..." Qrow uttered

"Who?" Ruby asked yet again

This whole thing was incredibly bizarre for the crew. No matter how much they tried to make sense of the situation, they just couldn't. A random village appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the path, then they get attacked by a hobo, Ruby's uncle shows up, and now they're both blabbering about some sort of queen. Paul was getting tired of it. When he finally got on his feet, he aimed his rifle at Tyrian, who was still talking with Qrow. He fired, and the bullet was deflected by his stinger. Tyrian and Qrow both turned to Paul who still had his weapon aimed.

"Hmm, I think we've had enough talk, don't you?"

Qrow was gonna reply, but didn't get the chance. Tyrian rushed at Paul, who barely had time to react. Everyone was taken aback by this. They had expected Tyrian to attack Qrow or Ruby.

Paul was barely able to dodge the stinger before being kicked in the stomach. He was pushed a few meters away, but was still on his feet. Tyrian continued attacking him. Paul was blocking most attacks with his rifle. Instinctively, he pushed it foward as if it still had a bayonet in it. This did little to the Scorpion faunus. Tyrian grabbed the barrel of the gun, and pushed it forward, hitting Paul in the face with the stock of his own gun. Tyrian threw the rifle to the side, and tried to slash Paul. Luckily, Paul dodged it, and managed to take out his knife. They clashed again and again, and with each one, Paul was getting more tired, whilst Tyrian seemed more aggressive. Going on the offensive would accomplish nothing, so Paul defended himself as best he could, but he was getting overwhelmed. The 2 blades in his arms, combined with his stinger put too much pressure on him, and he didn't last long.

He was knocked to the ground, and before he could get up, Tyrian delivered a kick to his face. Paul tried getting up again, but found himself unable too, as Tyrian got on top of him, and pinned his arms to the ground. Paul watched as a malicious grin formed on the scorpion faunus' face. Tyrian raised his stinger, ready to kill the blonde boy, but before he could bring the stinger down, Ruby shot him.

The shot knocked Tyrian off Paul, and sent him flying until he hit a wall. The grin that was present on his face was replaced with a scowl, which sent a shiver down Ruby's spine. He charged at her, but was intercepted by Qrow before he reached her.

"Ruby, Paul, stay back" He warned

The 2 began to exchange blows. Tyrian attempted to slash him, but Qrow blocked all of his attempts. It was the same whenever Qrow tried slashing back. A kick to the gut sent Tyrian flying a few meters back. He landed on his feet. With a maniacal laugh, he jumped into the air, with his 2 blades ready to continue the fight. Qrow rushed foward, and the shockwave generated by the clashing of their blades, sent both men backwards. Qrow didn't skip a beat, and rushed at Tyrian. The faunus dodged every slash, and delivered some of his own which were also blocked. This pattern continued for a little bit, until Qrow jumped in the air, just like Tyrian had moments ago. This time, the shockwave was so powerful, it knocked off a roof off a building. Both men were stuck in a blade lock. Qrow glared at Tyrian, who looked at him with his usual grin. Tyrian laughed as he turned his weapons into gun mode, and began firing away at Qrow, breaking the lock they had.

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