Chapter 17

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It was a beautiful morning in the south of Amina. The spring breeze hit the faces of our protagonists, who currently found themselves walking at the bottom of a cliff. Earlier that morning, they had arrived at a tiny village called, Edenia. They were welcomed warmly, being immediately offered food, water, and a place to rest. This confused the huntsmen. Usually, these villages in rural Amina tended to be quite xenophobic, not taking kindly to strangers. Soon, they would learn where all this kindness came from. Turns out, the villagers had been dealing with constant grimm attacks. This wasn't just any grimm tho, it was a gheist. The ghost grimm was able to possess everyday objects and use them to threaten the lives of the villagers. It was powerful enough to defeat the 2 huntsmen the village already had. They agreed to help the village in exchange for money and some more resources.

Ren and Nora were arguing about what their team name should be Nora wanted to stick to JNPRR, whilst Ren preferred RNJR.

"I'm just saying, we were already team JNPR before, so why can't we stick with it?"

"Yeah, but we're helping Ruby with her objective, so RNJR is better"

"And we're do we put the P?" Replied Nora whilst glaring at him

Ren got quiet for a second before letting out an embarrassed "I don't know"

"Ughh you can't just leave poor Paul out of the team name he's just a part of this team as we are, right Paul!"

Paul who at this moment was more focused on the spring flowers growing nearby was caught off guard by this and replied with whatever came to his head first

"Uh yeah, that" He said before going back to viewing the flowers.

"Guys!" Jaune called out "We need to focus"

This silenced up both Ren and Nora.

"Also, let's stick to JNPRR" said Jaune making Nora celebrate and Ren sigh

Just then, the ground began to shake. It got progressively stronger, to the point sounds of trees falling in the distance, and heavy footsteps could be heard. Soon after, all of them saw Ruby coming out of the woods, flying out the cliff on top of them, and began shooting at something. That something turned out to be the gheist, who had possessed a body of giant rocks. Ruby's gun ran out of ammo, and she fell down onto some trees. She yelled some curse words Paul wasn't able to make out, and then hit the ground. The gheist also fell down. It immediately regained its composure, and began wacking all the trees around them leaving the team completely exposed.

the ghast was still trying to hit Ruby, and it was obvious she couldn't take on it alone.

"Let's get that thing off her!" Yelled Jaune as he ran off. Ren and Nora jumped up into some trees and began shooting at in hopes of distracting it. This left only Paul, who soon joined them. The gheist eventually took notice of them, especially Paul, who was shooting at it from the ground, completely exposed. Immediately the grimm had begun to raise its arm. The German mumbled a quick "Scheiße" as he realized what it was going to do. He slung his rifle onto his shoulder, and began running around in circles around the grimm as fast as he could trying to avoid being smashed. He could feel the dirt hit the back of his neck after each smash. Soon, the grimm got smart, and began to target where Paul was going. Paul almost died as a giant rock slammed down inches from his face. He turned back and tried to run the other way but the gheist slammed down its arm. It didn't hit Paul, but he ran straight into it causing him to fall down, and hold his face in pain. He looked up, and saw the gheist going for one last slam. Suddenly an electric bullet hit its arm. It didn't do much damage, but it distracted it from Paul giving him the opportunity to run away, and regroup with Jaune and the others.

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