Chapter 13

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Panic and chaos had unfolded in the stadium. Everyone rushed out as fast as they could with zero regard for others. The exits were almost impossible to get through due to the amount of people. This caused a lot of death by trampling. The panic increased 10 times more when 2 nevermores landed on the stadium. Even worse, the whole stadium started to fall apart. With the workers leaving their posts, the propulsion system began to fail and would soon, the whole stadium would come crashing down. Ruby was nowhere to be seen. After Penny was killed both her and Pyrrha stayed in a trance like state. Pyrrha snapped out of it when the nevermores attacked but Ruby didn't. Pyrrha killed both birds and tried to reason with Ruby, and she succeeded in getting her to come back to her senses. They tried looking for an exit together but they weren't able to, with the hordes of people. They separated at some point while navigating. Luckily, Pyrrha was able to reunite with her team.

The Germans had trouble finding their way through the hordes of people wishing to escape. They, along with teams WBY and JNPR had to fight their way to the transports. While both Remnant teams were trying their best not to hurt anyone while getting through, the Germans simply did what they thought was necessary to survive, even going as far as to knock people down.

The landing pads at the stadium were a complete mess. People were fighting each other over a seat on the transports, sometimes even going as far as to push others off the edge. While the huntsmen made their way to a newly arrived transport, people all along the way kept asking them for help. Mothers begging for them to take their children, people thinking it was their duty for them to sacrifice themselves for their lives ETC. They made it to the transport just in time before the doors to the transport closed. While taking off, people tried clinging on to the transport in any way they could. Some succeeded, but only for a limited time as the winds were too powerful and sent them plummeting to their death.

They had been lucky with their transport so far, a lot of the others were attacked by nevermores.

Not long after taking off, the stadium had begun falling at full speed with over 15,000 people still inside. People had begun jumping off the edge, thinking there was a small chance of survival, but it was futile.

The transport they were in was packed to the brim. While the average one was able to hold up to 40 people, this one had around 95. Not surprisingly the transport couldn't handle the extreme weight and crashed down near the fairgrounds.

Most people on the transport died because of the crash, yet our heroes were still standing although with a very big headache. Paul was disoriented upon impact. Once he came back to his senses, he took a moment to view the surrounding scene. All sorts of grimm were ravaging the fairgrounds. Beowolves and ursais, were destroying stands and devouring people, nevermores carried people away and most stands were set ablaze.

Teams WBY and JNPR wanted to stay and help the few remaining survivors, but with grimm all around invading the surrounding area, that task was impossible. With a heavy heart, they had to leave.

Yang was growing increasingly worried as time passed. She hadn't seen Ruby ever since she took off after her fight with Paul. Part of her wanted to check the ruble of the now collapsed stadium but her other half knew Ruby was smart enough and probably managed to escape. No matter how many times she called, Ruby wouldn't respond. The stress and fear of her sister's whereabouts were eating her up to the point she took off running, ditching her friends, and went looking for her sister.

While searching, she overheard from some other huntsmen, that the White Fang had been releasing grimm into the city through the docks. She also heard of increased huntsmen activity there so she headed to the docks in hopes of finding Ruby. She also informed Weiss and Blake about this.

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