Chapter 5

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It has been 2 weeks since the Germans arrived in Remnant, and for now everything was going great for them. They had begun going to combat classes and missions, Himelstoss had finally started teaching and they had let go of the past and became friends of teams RWBY and JNPR, tho Yang and Kat were on bad terms due to a game of blackjack in which Yang lost. The other students at Beacon had started to become more familiar with them.

Ever since Himelstoss began teaching alongside Glynda, combat class has been an absolute nightmare for the students. Every day they would spend the first 30 minutes doing all sorts of tiring exercises. One day of class usually included 30 push-ups, 15 laps around the auditorium, 30 burpees etc. He would torture the students the same way he did with the new recruits back in training camp. Due to his teaching methods he quickly rose the ranks of the most hated teacher at beacon.

Speaking of combat class, The soldiers were at the absolute bottom of the score. Since they didn't have an aura or prior hand to hand training they struggled a lot. All of them had had 9 combats over the last 2 weeks. Tjaden, Paul, and Kropp had only won 1 combat, all of them against Jaune. Kat had won 3, but it was against the weakest students and he was using brute force alone.

Glynda never let them use weapons. She still didn't trust them after what they did to the security guard.

It was a Friday night. The boys had decided to go to a bar to celebrate Kropp's 19th birthday. He had already received some birthday cards from team RWBY and they received a cake from Ozpin.

They found a place called Junior's. Inside was like a whole new world to them. Flashing lights, a big dance room, terribly loud music. Bars weren't like this in Germany, but they weren't going to leave as they spent 30 minutes looking for a bar. Later they would learn that this was a nightclub, not a bar, but they couldn't care less. As long as there was alcohol they were fine. The next few hours were spent drinking, dancing, singing and overall having fun. Everything was going great for the birthday boy. At some point. Some of the workers rush into the nightclub

Grunt: Hurry, close the door she's coming! He yelled as he and his buddy closed the doors leading inside.

The bartender seemed to get annoyed at these two. He left the bar unattended while he went over to talk to them

Junior: What are you 2 idiots doing? He asked annoyed

Both guard tried to warn him of the incoming threat, but in the midst of doing so the door were blown open, se ding both grunts flying. The other people at the dance floor started running away after hearing the explosion.

When the short smoke cloud by the door vanished, it revealed Yang walking through the doors.

Yang: Guess who's back!

Kropp got excited upon seeing her, to him it seemed like another one of his friends had come to party with them.

He began working his way up the stairs to meet with his friends, but by the time he made it, various grunts were pointing their guns at Yang.

The music had stopped and Yang now had an angry look on her face. Before anything could happen Kropp made his way through the grunts.

Kropp: Yang, wie bist du mein Freund gewesen! (Yang, how have you been my friend!) he said, giving her a hug

Kropp: Bist du gekommen, um mit uns zu feiern? (Have you come to celebrate with us?) he said while laughing hysterically. It was clear to everyone present that we was drunk

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