Chapter 8

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Upon landing in the small town of Agartha, they were met by the woman's relatives and some town officials. They explained she went missing while on a hiking trip with her boyfriend. He returned to the town safely, but she didn't. He told the rescue team that they separated when they encountered a beowolf. According to him, she had run off leaving him fending for himself. Some people in the town believed his story to be very suspicious and some even labeled him as a murderer. Since Agartha was such a small town, everyone knew each other, making the disappearance of one of their members a huge shock. Some people had assembled a search party to look for the woman, but it had to be disbanded after a pack of beowolves attacked them.

The huntsmen spent 10 minutes talking to the town officials before beginning their journey into the woods of Mistral. They were each given 2 extra water bottles and 5 energy bars to keep them alive. And with that they set off to find her.

The first hour wasn't so bad. They had reached the spot where the boyfriend claimed they were attacked. From there they had to figure out where she had run off to, something that was made very easy because of Robert's semblance. His semblance allowed him to see a trail corresponding to a person. Robert and the Germans headed north following the girls trail, only stopping once to eat supper. The Sun was on the brink of fully setting, so Robert ordered Paul and Kat to make a campfire while him and the rest set up the tents.

"Glaubst du, er hat sie getötet?" (Do you think he killed her?) Kat mentioned while picking up some nearby logs. Paul believed the boy's story did seem off but not to the point he'd consider him a murdered. "Wir verfolgen immer noch ihre Spur, also lautet die Antwort nein." (We're still tracking them so the answer is no." Paul replied

Once they delivered the logs they began a fire using a lighter Kat had on him. Robert mentioned it was important to remain in a happy or neutral mood as grimm are attracted to darkness. To stay happy the boys sang a couple of songs that they would sing back when they were still in the war. Although they were having fun singing to Robert it just seemed like they were yelling a bunch of gibberish as he couldn't understand any of it.

Eventually the group got tired of singing and went to sleep in the tents.

Paul awoke to the sound of moaning coming from beside him. When he looked over he saw that he was in a hospital bed. The room around him was very familiar. It took a moment for it to click but when it did he remembered where he was. He was in the Catholic hospital. The same one he was in when he broke his leg and injured his arm. To his left he saw a man without his legs, ear, and eye. His painful moans were heard all across the room, but they were indistinguishable from the ones coming from all the other injured men.

What laid in the bed right of him was even more strange. It was a crippled man with no arms or legs. That wasn't such a big deal, he'd seen dozens of men like that. What differentiated this one from the other was the big square mask that covered his face. His head was twitching up and down as if he was trying to say something. Paul knew it was Morse code but he didn't know what he was saying. The blanket that would've covered such an abomination was on the ground. "It must've fallen off during his sleep" Paul though.

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