01|Do I Know You?

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 01

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 01

"Minentle, I am not going to repeat myself again" Ona sighs whilst closing my laptop. "I was so close Ona" I frown, trying to take it from her.

"This case is going to drive you crazy, you've been stuck on the same thing for five years now" She folds her arms over her chest. "I know but I was so close" I rub my aching temple. "You need to move on and let it go, he's not coming back"

I ignore her. "Minnie-" I cut her off. ''Don't" I mutter, getting up from my chair. I grab my purse and walk out of the office. "Please cancel my meetings for the rest of the day" I say to my assistant, Nobuhle.

I walk into my elevator and patiently wait for it to ding. I take quick stride to my car, getting in and driving to the triplets's school. I find Khanya and Luzuko, patiently waiting at the pick up zone.

"You're early" Khanya pouts as they get in. "You said she was late last time" Luzuko defends. "Hello to you too Liyakhanya" I add. "Mara Mama" She sulks. "Should I leave you here?" I look at her through the rearview mirror.

"Maybe" I give her a look and drive home. "Can I stay home like Liyema tommorow?" Luzuko buzzes in. "Your brother's sick, he's not 'staying home' " I remind him. "That's what you think" He mutters under his breath.

I park in the driveway and they all scramble out of the car. I grab my purse, following behind them. "Liye-" I pause when I see him dancing on MY kitchen island. "Liyema!" I shout and he quickly pulls his headsets off. "I told you he wasn't sick" Luzuko heads to the fridge. "Uhm... I can explain"

"Yeah, right.. I have a headache, I don't have time to deal with this right now" I walk past them and head up to my room. I take off my heels and take a shower before changing into my tracksuits. I head downstairs to make dinner. My phone starts ringing and I pick it up. "Rea?"

"Hey... I was able to get the autopsy report from the lab, I've sent it to your email in cause you haven't seen it" She informs me. "Thank you, and the footage, do you have it?" I whisper back. "I can't send it to you, in case we're being tracked. You'll have to come get the flash drive from the office"

"I'll be there first thing in the morning" With that I hang up. Finally. "Mama, are you done?" Khanya peeks her head into the kitchen. "Yeah, go call your brothers".

I grab my purse and keys before heading for the door. "Mama, where are you going?" Liyema rubs the sleep from his eyes. "I'll be right back, I just need to go get something from Rea's office". "Okay" I get into my car, driving off to the hospital.

I greet the receptionist before heading up to Rea's office. I knock before getting in. "Hey" I greet, sitting down. "I've been expecting you... I managed to get the footage from the guard" She turns her laptop to me. I closely look at the footage and start the video.

It's the footage from when Samkelo got shot. "Why is it blurry?" I squint my eyes. "I don't kno-" The screen goes blank before she can continue. "Reabetswe" I sigh. "I don't know what's going on Minentle, It was working perfectly fine earlier" She shrugs.

"Then what did you see?" She remains silent. She's hiding something. "Reabetswe, if I find out that you're hiding something from me, I'll kill you and I'm not joking. You know how serious I am about this yet you're wasting my time. Nxn"

I get up walking out, ignoring her calls for me. I rush out of the hospital, fumbling with my keys. That fucking b- I'm cut off by a hard chest coming in contact with my face. Could this day get any worse?! "I'm sorry" I say without looking up, wanting to get the hell out of here.

"I'm starting to think that you like bumping into me" I look up, frowning. "Excuse me? Do I know you?" I take a few steps back. "We meet a few years ago" I tilt my head to the side, excuse you?"We didn't meet so technically, I don't know you" I roll my eyes at him.

My phone starts ringing, I put my finger up, silencing him before pulling out my phone. "Hello?" I answer. "What time are you coming back?" It's Luzuko. "You're not even greeting me" I scowl.

"Mara Mama, I'm always greeting you" He sighs. "O nyaka eng?" I ignore his statement. "What time are you coming back? You promised to take us to the mall, remember?" He reminds me. "I'm on my way, didn't Liyema tell you?"

I start walking towards my car, unlocking it and getting in. "Liyema's rude, he didn't say anything to me" He complains. "That sounds like a you problem, I'm on my way back. Make sure you're all ready or we're not going, I mean it" I state. "What if only two of us are ready?"

"Luzuko, what did I just say? ALL of you need to be ready or else we'll have a problem" I repeat. "Okay, I love you" He impatiently says. "I love you too" I hang up, putting my phone in my purse. Just as I'm about to drive home, there's a knock on my window.

I roll it down with an annoyed sigh. Oh, it's him... "Can I help you?" I glance at the time. "I was wondering if I could get your number?" I raise an anticipating eyebrow, studying his face... He's serious?

"Oh, sorry but I'm married, with five kids and another one on the way" I place my hand on my stomach. He looks at me, horrified and I quickly roll up my window, driving off before he can say anything.

 He looks at me, horrified and I quickly roll up my window, driving off before he can say anything

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